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City Council <br />Meeting Minutes <br />November 3, 2014 <br />Page 7of18 <br />Council member Loo asked if all the dwellings will be fire sprinkled. Mr. Phillips <br />confirmed it was a requirement and all the homes and attached garages would be <br />sprinkled. <br />PUBLIC COMMENTS <br />Michael Menaker, 1827 W. Choke Cherry Drive, Louisville, CO addressed the concern <br />expressed over the aging appraisal and noted the City's application process is long and <br />arduous. He was not concerned over the 18 -month old appraisal although the <br />difference between the appraisal price and the purchase price was surprising. He felt <br />the approval process of 18 months is a reasonable expectation. He noted most of the <br />development in the City is in -fill or redevelopment and does not fit the model previously <br />used for whole subdivisions. He felt it is appropriate to deal with each on its individual <br />merits. He felt the quality of the project, architecture and sensitivity to the neighborhood <br />and the property tax and use tax derived from this project will provide enough financial <br />benefit. He felt the project was worthy of the City Council's support. <br />Michael Deborski, 601 Pine Street, Louisville, CO stated he was very familiar with this <br />property and noted growing up he lived four houses away. He explained since he was <br />a child there has been a continued effort to fill in the mine shaft and as the property <br />sank they continued to try to keep the property safe for the surrounding neighborhood. <br />He recalled a cement truck fell into the mine shaft, while trying to fill the shaft with <br />cement. He noted wider cement slabs were poured and they fell into the mine shaft. <br />He stressed the importance of mitigating the mine shaft. He felt there should be a <br />commitment from the developer to do the project right. With respect to the appraisal, he <br />felt the property should be assessed at $400,000 per unit as opposed to the 2013 <br />appraisal. <br />COUNCIL COMMENTS <br />Council member Stolzmann thanked the applicant for his presentation and voiced her <br />appreciation for the roof waiver to allow homeowners to put in solar panels, if they so <br />desired and the height variation for environmental reasons. She was unsure of the <br />subsidence comments. The geotechnical reports indicate water and pillars holding the <br />mine up, however there needs to be mitigation for the mine shaft. She was not <br />comfortable with the land dedication and although she supported the monument she felt <br />there was a lot of liability. She felt the risk of the land is not worth the dedication. She <br />was in favor of a 15% land dedication fee based on a current appraisal. <br />Council member Lipton addressed the appraisal and stated in the interest of being <br />consistent, Council should determine what an acceptable appraisal is and what it is not. <br />He felt an18 -month old appraisal in today's market is a long time. He referred to the <br />staff report which stated the speculative value cannot be factored into the appraisal <br />process for the land dedication process. He was in favor of most of the project but was <br />hung up on the land dedication. Planning and Building Safety Director Russ agreed <br />