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Louisville City Council Meeting <br />January 7, 2003 <br />Page 3 <br /> <br />Council member Mayer thanked Mayor Davidson and the members of Council for their <br />support. He reported in their early days in office, Mayor Davidson and he wrote a <br />financial analysis of what new development would mean to the City. He thanked Mayor <br />Davidson for his leadership and voiced his honor at serving with the Council and stated <br />the City is in very capable hands. He thanked the citizens of Louisville. <br /> <br />Sisk expressed his thanks to Council member Mayer. <br /> <br />DOWNTOWN BUSINESS ASSOCIATION PRESENTATION REGARDING USE <br />OF CITY PROPERTY AT 824 FRONT STREET FOR STREET FAIRE <br /> <br />Davidson called for a presentation by the Downtown Business Association. <br /> <br />Nancy Love, 841 Front Street, President of the Downtown Business Association, stated <br />the DBA is requesting a five-year lease of 824 Front Street (the former Steinbaugh Barn <br />property) to use for the Street Faire. She reported the 2002 Street Faire was a great <br />success and noted the only problem was the late afternoon sun and heat. She explained <br />the DBA discussed the problem and feel the solution would be to renovate the Steinbaugh <br />barn. The DBA will make improvements to the site for use as a performance site. In <br />return, the DBA asks the City to lease the site to the DBA for five years at a rate of $1 per <br />year, pay for electricity to the site, and maintain the property once it has been upgraded. <br />She explained the City required the DBA to provide a Certificate of Liability Insurance <br />with the City listed as an additional insured party for the Street Faire in 2002. That <br />Certificate is in effect through September 19, 2003. <br /> <br />Erik Hartronft, Hartronft Fauri Architects, 801 Main Street, Louisville, CO, reviewed <br />drawings of the proposed Downtown Street Faire Pavillion. He explained the barn would <br />provide an infrastructure for the Street Faire, with lighting and a sound system. He stated <br />the improvements would revitalize the downtown area. He explained the DBA is seeking <br />private sponsors to build the structure, and asking that the City maintain the facility. <br /> <br />COUNCIL COMMENTS <br /> <br />Brown stated the proposal presents a tremendous opportunity for the City of Louisville. <br /> <br />Mayer thanked Love and Hartronft for their contributions to the City of Louisville. <br /> <br />Davidson voiced his excitement over the proposed project and 'stated it would add flavor <br />to the downtown. He suggested the property be inspected and a lease be drafted. <br /> <br />MOTION: Davidson moved that Council instruct Staff to negotiate a lease, with the <br />DBA for the property, seconded by Levihn. All in favor. <br /> <br />Brown encouraged Staff to investigate other venues for the facility. <br /> <br />3 <br /> <br /> <br />