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Sec. 1'7. When signs are erected indicating, no parking <br />upon that side of the street adjacent to a school, no person <br />shall park a vehicle in. an-~T such designated place. <br />Sec. 18. No person shall stop, stand, or p^rk an;~T ve- <br />hicle u~~on a street, other than an alley, in such a manner <br />or under such conditior.~s as to leave available less than <br />10 feet of the width of the roadway for free movement of <br />traffic, except that a driver may stop temporarily during <br />the actusl to adin~T and unloading of passengers or when <br />necessary to stop for traffic regulations in obedience to <br />traffic signs or signa7_s or a Police officer. <br />ATo person shall park a vehicle wit'nin an a11eTr in such <br />a manner or under such conditions as to leave available <br />less t'ns_n 10 feet of the width of the roadway for the free <br />movement of traffic. <br />Sec. 19. ~'d'nen si~n~; are erected indicating no night <br />parking in any design~?.i~ecl place no person shall park a ve- <br />hicle at such designated places for a period of time longer <br />than thirty minutes be~twe:en the hours of 2 A. nn. and 6 A. r,~~. <br />of env day, except physicians on emergency calls. <br />Sec. 20. Ito person shall park any vehicle in such a <br />manner or under the conditions as to obstruct any drive, <br />path, or crossVralk. <br />Sec. 21. No person shall stop, stand, or park a vehicle <br />for any purpose or length of time in any area where the <br />curbing or the street is indicated as a no parking zone by <br />the use of orange or ~~el~low paint or other materials for <br />marking. <br />Sec, 22. No person shall stand or park a, vehicle in a <br />roadv~a.~,r other th^n parallel v~Jith the edge of t'ze roadway <br />headed in the directic:n of traffic, and with the right-hand <br />wheels of the vehicle within twelve inc?~es of the curb or <br />edge of the roadway, except as ot'r~erti^~ise provided in the <br />following: <br />(1) Upon those streets which have been marked or <br />8 <br />J. __-- -_. -.._._T_ <br />