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City Council <br />Meeting Minutes <br />February 3, 2015 <br />Page 6 of 16 <br />Planner I Trice introduced the City's consultant for the Preservation Master Plan, Dr. <br />Mary Therese Anstey, Principal, History Matters LLC, who would provide the update. <br />Dr. Anstey explained the Preservation Master Plan kick -off meeting on December 3, <br />2014 was well attended. It began with a brief introduction about the purpose and the <br />structure of the Preservation Master Plan. The presentation also included the <br />importance of public participation in the planning process. The majority of the evening <br />centered around four different activity stations. Everyone in attendance had an <br />opportunity to hear the summaries and the findings of the stations. Fifteen junior <br />preservationists gathered for activities and presented their findings to the entire group. <br />• Station #1 — "Most and Least Important Sites" - Placement of green or red dots <br />• Station #2 — "Chalkboards: The Future of Preservation in Louisville" <br />• Station #3 — What Works ? " — Stickers (What; Needs Improvement or Other) <br />Dr. Anstey explained the ongoing plan is a collaborative approach between the public, <br />staff, the Historic Preservation Commission, the City Council and the consultant. The <br />staff is responsible for writing most of the narrative text for the plan, meeting with other <br />Boards and Commissions; determining the plan's implementation priorities and <br />distributing it to the public. The public is asked to respond to topics and questions <br />posted on; complete a customer satisfaction survey (for <br />persons who have been through the designation and alteration process) and <br />stakeholders interviews with individuals who have long -term history with preservation <br />will be asked to share their experiences. The Historic Preservation Commission has <br />appointed four subcommittees for each phase of the plan. The Vision subcommittee <br />met on January 7th to develop the Vision and Purpose statement. The City Council is <br />asked to endorse the Vision and Purpose statement. Staff has scheduled a City Council <br />Study Session in April to discuss the goals and policy setting. The consultant is <br />responsible for assessing the City resources, creating some draft goals and policies <br />(based on input from staff, public and HPC) and weighing against best practices and <br />reviewing the written text. <br />Preservation Master Plan Schedule: <br />• March 11, 2015 — Second Public Meeting <br />• April 14, 2015 — City Council Study Session <br />• April 2015 — Implementation Schedule <br />• May -June 2015 — Adoption <br />The City's Comprehensive Plan called for a Preservation Master Plan. The HPC <br />subcommittee turned to the Comp Plan's Vision Statement for inspiration and guidance <br />and chose concepts and language to draft the following Vision and Purpose Statement: <br />Vision and Purpose: The citizens of Louisville will retain connections to our past by <br />fostering stewardship and preserving significant historic places. Preservation of these <br />places reflects the authenticity of Louisville - its small town character, history, and sense <br />of place, all of which make our community a desirable place to call home and conduct <br />