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UNS~TED STATES OF AI`v~ERICA <br />STATE OF COLORADO <br />COUNTY OF BOULDER <br />TOWN OF LOUISVILLE <br />GENERAL UBLIGATI:ON bVATERIrVORKS It~~iPROVEiViEIv'T BOND <br />SERIES NOVEIviBER 1, 1953 <br />No. X1,000.00 <br />The Town oil Louisville, in the County of Boulder and <br />State of Colorado, a<;knowledges itself indebted and hereby prom- <br />ises to pay to the bearer hereof the sum of <br />t)N1=: THOUS/`~ND DOLLr"-SRS <br />on the first day of November, 19 with interest hereon at the <br />three <br />rate of three and onE~-quarter per centum per annum, payable semi- <br />three and one-half <br />annually on the firsi; days of N;ay and November in each year; both <br />principal and interest being payable in lawful money of the United <br />States of America at the office of the Town Treasurer of the Town <br />of Louisville, Louisville, Colorado, upon the presentation and <br />surrender of this bond and the annexed coupons as they severally <br />become due. <br />-(This bond i.s subject to redemption at the option of th <br />Town of Louisville, on the first day of November, 1963, or on any <br />interest payment date thereafter, at a price equal to the principa <br />amount thereof with <~cc;rued interest to the redemption date. Re- <br />demption shall be made upon not less than ten days' prior notice <br />publication in a newspaper of general circulation in the City and <br />County of Denver, Colorado, in the manner and upon the conditions <br />provided in the ordinance authorizing the issuance of this bond). <br />This bond :is issued by the Town of Louisville on behalf <br />of said Town and upon -t;he credit thereof, fo`r the purpose of payin <br />for the cost of improvE~ments and extensions to the municipal water <br />works system of the 'I'ovvn of Louisville and for the necessary ex- <br />penses connected the:revvith, under the authority of and in full <br />conformity with the constitution of the State of Colorado and the <br />-5- <br />