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one voluntary. Also in the RFPs give an idea of what it would <br />cost the average citizen for them to participate in a mandatory <br />program and then what it would cost if it was voluntary for the <br />city to supplement the program. Also in the RFP how will this <br />affect the rates in Louisville. Council will also review <br />commercial at a later date. The hauler is to pay for all the <br />expenses and they can make whatever revenue they can make. <br />L. OTHER REGULAR BUSINESS ITEMS ARISING AFTER PREPARATION OF <br />AGENDA <br />Davidson moved to authorize the Mayor and City Clerk to execute <br />the contract draft dated August 10, 1990 for our interim city <br />attorney, seconded by Howard. All in favor. Motion passed. <br />Howard: There is great concern in Ward I and Ward II about <br />the proposed shopping complex on Davidson Mesa <br />area. I would like to get a global city view of <br />what is necessary to be done and I felt that this <br />would be done through the water billing. Although <br />this issue has not come up, if this developer <br />comes in he will know that the city is not going <br />to go for it or the city will go for it or nobody <br />wants anything on that mesa. I would like to be <br />fair to all parties involved. <br />Howard moved to use city staff to prepare an informal survey of <br />the citizens using the water bill which will ask the population <br />of Louisville whether or not they voted and are they for or <br />against any development on the mesa. <br />Sackett: Hoped that petitioners would wait until the <br />developer has had a chance to present the <br />development. <br />Council felt that the developer should have talked to the city <br />before talking to the press. Council also felt that each <br />developer should be given due process and given a fair hearing. <br />Howard withdrew his motion with the hopes that the Planning <br />Commission is not deluged with a premature petition until the <br />person has had a chance to present his case. If the case is bad <br />then the case will be voted down. <br />Sackett: Felt it was going to be hard for the developer to <br />get anything because he did not follow due <br />process. <br />Hornbostel: Did not feel the petitioners would bring petitions <br />in until they felt it necessary. <br />Mayor Fauson: This group ~iid hold the city's feet to the fire <br />some time ago on land acquisition. They were not <br />very cooperative and I don't look forward to <br />myself being too cooperative with those people <br />8 <br />