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City Council <br />Meeting Minutes <br />March 17,2015 <br />Page 2: of 31 <br />APPROVAL OF THE CONSENT AGENDA <br />Council member Stolzmann suggested the following changes to the March 10 meeting <br />minutes: on page 3/5 in the 2nd paragraph change the 1st sentence to read: <br />Council member Stolzmann addressed the water rate structure and stated when the <br />existing rate structure was set up the Conoco Phillips property was using water, now <br />that it is vacant, commercial usage is down. <br />On page 3/5 in the 8th paragraph insert after the 1st sentence: His interpretation of the <br />data does not show the cost of service equity is as far as the consultant suggests. <br />On page 4/5 change the 7th paragraph to read: Council member Stolzmann suggested <br />the Water Committee meet at least quarterly and review the water use by customer <br />class and the revenue by customer class. <br />MOTION: Mayor Muckle agreed with the proposed changes and moved to approve the <br />consent agenda as amended, seconded by Council member Stolzmann. All were in <br />favor. <br />A. Approval of Bills <br />B. Approval of Minutes — March 3, 2015 and March 10, 2015 <br />C. .Award Landscape Maintenance Services Contract <br />D. Award Bid for Data Network Switch <br />E. Approve CenturyLink Contract Renewal <br />F. Approve PSCO Easement Agreement <br />COUNCIL INFORMATIONAL COMMENTS ON PERTINENT ITEMS NOT ON THE <br />AGENDA <br />Council member Stolzmann thanked Public Works for their hard work in getting Coal <br />Creek Trail completed. <br />CITY MANAGER'S REPORT <br />City Manager Fleming reported on the following: <br />He asked Public Works DirectorKowar to address the timing of the street sweeping. <br />Public Works Director Kowar noted street sweeping the entire city is scheduled twice, in <br />the spring and fall. In the spring they wait until the worst of the bad weather is over and <br />the sweeping does the most good. He will meet with his staff and determine the best <br />time for this spring. <br />Bids have come in on the Main Street re- surfacing. Bids came in significantly over <br />budget. Other re- surfacing bids may also come in higher. He plans to wait on Main <br />