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City Council <br /> Study Session Summary <br /> February 12, 2008 <br /> Page 3 of 5 <br /> in passenger trains making a major impact on the freight trains. Mr. Quinn also <br /> indicated that there has been talk about BNSF relocating its tracks to the east. <br /> City Manager Fleming said that there have been inquiries about placing the <br /> tracks in trenches and asked Mr. Quinn if that was feasible. Mr. Quinn stated that <br /> because the tracks were being shared with freight trains and the grades for <br /> freight are different than for passenger trains it may be more difficult and cost <br /> prohibitive. Counselor Dalton asked if he could work up the numbers and Mr. <br /> Quinn stated that he would prepare a rough cost estimate to put the tracks in <br /> below grade trenches. <br /> A resident asked what the construction easements would be and Mr. Quinn said <br /> that he did not know. <br /> A resident asked how the Flood Zone by the tracks would impact the project. Mr. <br /> Quinn said the RTD would be addressing those issues. <br /> A resident asked if it was reasonable for passengers to walk 3 blocks from <br /> parking to the station. Mr. Quinn replied that it was and cited a current example <br /> where passengers must walk further than that and the available parking is still <br /> filled to capacity. <br /> Chris Lichty, Parks and Recreation explained that OSAB was making plans for a <br /> trail underpass and asked if this is something that should be put into the plan. Mr. <br /> Quinn said that the City should start the discussion with RTD. <br /> <br /> 3. Presentation/Discussion -Horticulture & Forestry Advisory Board <br /> Theresa Rounds, HFAB Chair presented the Integrated Pest Management (IPM) <br /> Resolution along with other materials pertaining to the IPM. <br /> Mayor Pro Tem Marsella asked what is the IPM Plan. Ms Rounds said that the <br /> resolution was to establish approval to develop an IPM Plan. Mayor Pro Tem <br /> Marsella asked if the Plan would only apply to city owned properties and Open <br /> Space Land. Ms Rounds said yes that was the intent with the hope of expanding <br /> to all City properties eventually. <br /> Mayor Pro Tem Marsella asked about the IPM Coordinator mentioned in the <br /> resolution. She asked if this position would be part of a current staff's <br /> responsibility or if HFAB is proposing that it be a new position. She pointed out <br /> that this position is not part of this year's budget. Ms Rounds said that the intent <br /> is for it to be a new position. <br /> Mr. Lichty said that current staff is already stretched and that he could not <br /> foresee this being added to current staff. He did say that it could begin as a <br /> contract position during the growing season and would be considered more of <br /> the lead person for other staff and city contractors to address questions to and <br /> that somebody from outside of the City may be received better in implementing <br /> changes. <br /> <br />