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City Council <br />Meeting Minutes <br />June 2, 2015 <br />Page 3 of 27 <br />REGULAR BUSINESS <br />RON AND JOHN SACKETT DAY PROCLAMATION <br />Mayor Muck le noted Council wishes to recognize the contributions of Ron and John <br />Sackett to Coal Creek Golf Course by naming June 29, 2015, Ron and John Sackett <br />Day at the golf course. There have been a lot of influential people involved in building <br />and rebuilding of the golf course. Ron Sackett was instrumental during his time on <br />Council in forming the Golf Course Advisory Board and John Sackett, his son, during his <br />time on Council, was instrumental in the original building of the golf course. Mayor <br />Muckle read the proclamation. He noted it would be presented on June 29th at the Golf <br />Course. As the Mayor shook Ron Sackett's hand, the audience rose and recognized <br />the Sacketts with their applause. <br />REVIEW AND CONFIRMATION OF ALTERNATIVE LAND USE SCENARIOS AND <br />MAIN STREET AND CENTENNIAL DRIVE INTERSECTION ALIGNMENTS TO BE <br />STUDIED AS PART OF THE SOUTH BOULDER ROAD SMALL AREA PLAN - <br />Continued from 5119/15 <br />Mayor Muckle requested a staff presentation. <br />Planning and Building and Public Safety Director Russ noted the study area extends <br />from Via App- is to the City limits with Lafayette and from Paschal Drive down to Cannon <br />Circle at Highway 42. Within that area, staff looked at areas of change or probable <br />change over the next 20 years. The study considered ratios of land values to total value <br />and what is allowed from the zoning code versus what is built there. Staff noted the <br />areas with economic pressures which would likely result in change in the next twenty <br />years. There were four alternatives shown. One was the current zoning with a low <br />range estimate, a high range estimate and one in the middle looking at both building <br />heights and a total mixture of land uses. Council directed staff to highlight within the <br />table of the currently allowed development what has gone through the development <br />review process and what would be defined as either vested or entitled. Staff adjusted <br />the table of potential buildout for the South Boulder Road draft alternatives by removing <br />the Alfalfa's/Center Court Apartments from the numbers, resulting in reductions in <br />residential units and retail square footage from the existing and allowed totals, and <br />smaller reductions in all categories for each of the alternatives. Staff also added a row <br />labeled "entitled ", reflecting what is currently built plus what has been approved but not <br />built for the Boulder County Housing Authority, Coal Creek Station, Lanterns, and North <br />End Commercial developments. He presented the updated table with the numbers <br />adjusted. <br />