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City Council <br />Meeting Minutes <br />July 28, 2015 <br />Page 5 of 28 <br />the two commercial districts covered by the commercial guidelines. An update to the <br />guidelines would correct the deficiency. <br />Mayor Muckle inquired about standard restaurant parking ratios. Planning and Building <br />Safety Director Russ explained it is broken down by restaurant and bar and the turnover <br />expectations. Fast food restaurants have a higher turnover, where the restaurant/bar <br />component has a longer stay ratio. <br />Mayor Muckle asked the applicant if there are tenants for the proposed new building. <br />Neal Lipman, McCaslin Retail LLC, explained they have leases on three of the six units <br />and are currently in discussions with a fourth tenant who would take approximately 70- <br />80% of the building. <br />Council member Lipton voiced his concern over relaxing the parking ratios. He inquired <br />about the potential for shared parking agreements. Principal Planner McCartney <br />explained staff requested the applicant look into shared parking agreements with the <br />surrounding businesses. The applicant has been looking into such shared parking <br />arrangements. Planning and Building Safety Director Russ explained this would be <br />reviewed when a building permit application is filed for a tenant finish. The land use for <br />a restaurant/bar would require a higher parking ratio. At that time a shared parking <br />agreement may be required. <br />Council member Lipton inquired about the future of the Santa Fe Grill. Mr. Lipman <br />explained they are working with the owner to find another location in Louisville. <br />PUBLIC COMMENT <br />Rosie Gilbert, 418 Orchard Way, Louisville, CO reported hearing rumors Santa Fe Grill <br />is moving to Erie or Longmont. She felt this business must be protected and asked for <br />a guarantee Santa Fe Grill would remain in Louisville. Mayor Muckle explained the <br />developer has said Santa Fe Grill will remain in Louisville. <br />Mayor Muckle called for public comment and hearing none, closed the public hearing. <br />COUNCIL COMMENTS <br />Council member Stolzmann agreed with a shared parking agreement and felt it should <br />be a condition of approval. She noted she has received complaints about parking <br />conflicts in some commercial areas. Council member Loo asked Council member <br />Stolzmann if she wanted to place a condition on the approval. Council member <br />Stolzmann responded yes and cited the Council Communication, which stated "If City <br />Council deems it necessary; an off -site parking agreement can be required'. Mayor <br />Muckle agreed and asked City Attorney Light for such a condition. <br />