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City Council <br />Meeting Minutes <br />July 28, 2015 <br />Page 6 of 28 <br />City Attorney Light explained a condition could be added to Resolution No. 47, Series <br />2015. A note on the PUD would reflect a parking agreement shall be required when a <br />restaurant with bar demonstrates the parking demand is requested. <br />Planning and Building Safety Director Russ explained there is a potential for a proposed <br />restaurant with bar use, which would require a higher parking ratio. <br />Mayor Muckle inquired about other uses requiring a higher parking ratio. Planner and <br />Building Safety Director Russ explained such use would require a shared parking <br />agreement or the application would be denied. Principal Planner McCartney explained <br />this is a six -unit development and the use of each unit would determine the parking <br />allocation. <br />Planning and Building Safety Director Russ explained if a use goes out of business and <br />a new tenant finish is requested, the Building Department would forward the request to <br />the Planning Department. The Planning Department reviews the request from a use <br />perspective and parking is part of such review. <br />City Attorney Light reviewed the condition to the resolution that the PUD shall note the <br />following: "The City will have the right to require a shared parking agreement when a <br />use generating a parking ratio in excess of 7 spaces per 1,000 SF is proposed to be <br />sited within the development ". <br />ORDINANCE No 1696, SERIES 2015 <br />MOTION: Mayor Muckle moved to approve Ordinance No.1696, Series 2015 on <br />second and final reading, seconded by Mayor Pro Tem Dalton. Roll call vote was taken <br />and the motion carried by a vote of 6 -0. Absent: Council member Keany. <br />RESOLUTION No. 46, SERIES 2015 <br />MOTION: Mayor Muckle moved to approve Resolution No. 46, Series 2015, seconded <br />by Mayor Pro Tem Dalton. All were in favor. Absent: Council member Keany. <br />RESOLUTION No. 47, SERIES 2015 <br />MOTION: Mayor Muckle moved to approve Resolution No. 47, Series 2015, as <br />amended, seconded by Council member Lipton. <br />City Attorney Light explained the amendment to the resolution provides the City the right <br />to require a shared parking agreement; it does not force a shared parking agreement. <br />City Manager Fleming clarified the intent is for anything in excess of the 91 parking <br />spaces. There would not be a combination of uses to exceed the level of 7 spaces per <br />1,000 SF. <br />