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City Council <br />Meeting Minutes <br />August 18, 2015 <br />Page 3 of 18 <br />A. Authorize Execution of Engagement Letter for Auditing Services with <br />Eide Bailly, LLC <br />COUNCIL INFORMATIONAL ITEMS ON PERTINENT ITEMS NOT ON THE AGENDA <br />Mayor Muckle reported on Money Magazine; who evaluates cities and the best place to <br />live. This year Money Magazine ranked Louisville as 4th in the municipalities of 50,000 <br />and under. This is the 6th time over the past ten years that Louisville has been rated in <br />the top 5. He congratulated the staff and the citizens for making Louisville such a great <br />place to live. <br />City Manager Fleming congratulated the Council and past Councils for creating the <br />framework and the leadership in concert with the citizens, the advisory boards and staff. <br />CITY MANAGER'S REPORT <br />City Manager Fleming expressed this thanks to the Downtown Business Association <br />(DBA) for their sponsorship of the Street Faire over the past 13 years. The DBA Board <br />of Directors voted to not sponsor the Street Faire in 2016. He thanked the DBA and <br />stated they are a tireless volunteer board, which has done an amazing job of sponsoring <br />and coordinating the. Street Faire. It has been a great event for Louisville families and <br />for those living outside the City. f has also helped the downtown businesses to thrive. <br />REGULAR BUSINESS <br />RESOLUTION No. 56, SERIES 2015 — A RESOLUTION APPROVING A <br />PRESERVATION AND RESTORATION GRANT FOR THE CARANCI HOUSE <br />LOCATED AT 1145 MAIN STREET <br />Mayor Muckle requested a staff presentation. <br />Planner I Trice explained the request is fora $10,134 grant from the Historic <br />Preservation Fund for 1145 Main Street, in Louisville, known as the Caranci House. <br />The home was built in 1908 and has maintained its architectural integrity. The home <br />also has a long social significance associated with the Caranci family. <br />The preservation and restoration grant is to restore metal casement windows; sill paint <br />removal; repair and paint the front porch, and repair the ceiling stress fracture at the <br />Caranci House, 1145 Main Street. In 2011 the property owners received a $5,000 <br />focused grant, and are eligible for a $15,000 flexible grant, with the exception of the <br />paint on the front porch. <br />Staff recommended a grant request of $8,445, with an application match of $8,445 and <br />a contingency of $1,689 (20 %), for a total grant request of $10,134. The Historic <br />