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City Council <br />Meeting Minutes <br />August 18, 2015 <br />Page 9 of 18 <br />Mr. DeJong stated Sam's Club closed January 2010. It is a 13 acre property containing <br />a 128,000 sf vacant building. A new owner purchased the property in January 2014. <br />Several concerns arise from the vacancy: Reduces the viability of adjacent properties <br />that could contribute to neighborhood decline and weaken the McCaslin Corridor. <br />Mr. DeJong reviewed the conditions survey finding the following blight factors are <br />present: 1) The existence of health, safety, or welfare factors requiring high levels of <br />municipal services or substantial physical underutilization or vacancy of sites, buildings, <br />or other improvements. 2) Defective or unusual conditions of title rendering the title <br />non - marketable. 3) Faulty Lot Layout 4) Deterioration of site or other improvements. <br />Blight Factor 1): Substantial Physical Underutilization or Vacancy of Buildings or Sites: <br />Underutilized property; parking lot sits mostly empty during normal business hours; <br />community church uses property during only a small portion of the week; high profile <br />location at gateway into Louisville from US 36 and one of the main anchor retail <br />properties in the shopping area. <br />Blight Factor 2): Defective or unusual conditions of title rendering the title non - <br />marketable: Developed in 1990s as part of a retail center; restrictive covenants put in <br />place at time of development to limit competition between tenants and sharply limit <br />entertainment uses and limits several other uses. <br />Restrictive Covenants: No general merchandise discount department store other than <br />on Lot 2; No supermarkets other than on Lot 1; Other lots can have less than 5,000 sf <br />devoted to retail sale of food for off - premise consumption; Only Lot 2 may have an <br />optical center; Pharmacy only on Lots 1 and 2; No more than 2 banks, unless banking is <br />incidental to the primary use; Only one fuel station and only one drive -thru restaurant <br />selling hamburgers or ground beef products. More broad restrictions were put in place <br />during sale from Sam's Club to current owners after the store closed (owner can buy out <br />restriction): No stores selling a range of merchandise "at a discount" allowed, the use <br />for which the site was originally developed thus viable tenants who would fully utilize the <br />property would likely be prevented from doing so. <br />Blight Factor 3) Faulty Lot Layout: Lot configuration results in former Sam's Club <br />building being narrow and deep with respect to the front entrance, rather than shallow <br />and wide; The building orientation makes it difficult to partition effectively; resulting <br />spaces would be too narrow and deep for adequate retail layout and other non - retail <br />uses that might be compatible with a deep, narrow layout are prohibited. <br />Blight Factor 4): Deterioration of Site and Other Improvements: Facility is 127,000 <br />square feet with a 600+ car parking lot, requiring significant upkeep expenses; currently <br />only used during a small portion of the time by a community church, which does not <br />26 <br />