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City Council <br />Meeting Minutes <br />August 18, 2015 <br />Page 10 of 18 <br />generate the revenue needed for full maintenance (Potholes, cracked parking curbs, <br />and other signs of lower maintenance levels are evident). <br />Blighting factors continue to limit potential for redevelopment or re- tenanting the <br />building. The Urban Renewal Plan outlines the tools available to address the blighting <br />factors. Approving a plan must follow rules in state statute. The Planning Commission <br />reviewed the conformity with the Comprehensive Plan. <br />Mr. DeJong reviewed various provisions of the UR Plan. <br />Power of Eminent Domain: The UR Plan authorizes LRC to use eminent domain only <br />as authorized by the Urban Renewal Law to alleviate qualifying conditions; only for <br />property within the Urban Renewal Area and only after affirmative 2 /3rds vote by the <br />City Council. <br />Redevelopment Agreements: The LRC is authorized to negotiate and enter into <br />redevelopment and cooperation agreements. The LRC will develop a process to <br />evaluate redevelopment agreements. <br />UR Plan Tools for LRC: Develop and approve a project description; Issue RFP to solicit <br />proposals for redevelopment (such proposals could come from any interested parties <br />including the property owner, interested retailers and /or developers); negotiate a <br />proposed redevelopment agreement and submit the proposed redevelopment <br />agreement to City Council for approval and if approved by City Council, execute the <br />redevelopment agreement. <br />Elements of an RFP: An RFP would ask for proposals specifying: Improvements <br />planned for the site; proposed uses and activities; time frames for completing the <br />proposed redevelopment actions; requested City financial assistance, if any, such as <br />sales tax rebates; how costs (including potential legal costs) would be financed. <br />The UR Plan Does Not: Authorize use of tax increment financing pursuant to Section <br />31 -25- 107(9), C.R.S. and the use of tax increment financing within the Plan Area can <br />only be authorized by amendment to this Plan. This Plan does not change the allowed <br />uses of the property or approve any redevelopment plans. Change of use and <br />redevelopments must go through the City's approval processes. <br />He outlined options to address continued vacancy at 550 S. McCaslin: <br />1) Continue to encourage property owners to resolve issues; expect private parties to <br />identify a use for the existing building that complies with existing zoning and satisfies <br />the private restrictive covenants, either in their current form or though covenant changes <br />agreed on by the private owners. <br />2) Consider rezoning the property to allow for a wider range of uses beyond what is <br />currently allowed. Rezoning may be initiated by the Owner, Planning Commission, or <br />City Council. Rezonings are subject to separate public hearing procedures and would <br />27 <br />