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CITY OF LOUISVILLE PROPERTY & TRAIL REQUESTS FOR 2015 <br />Property Request <br />Reviewed and approved by the City of Louisville Open Space Advisory Board and the City <br />Council. <br />1. Mayhoffer Property. The Mayhoffer Property is approximately 200 acres in size and is <br />designated as `Rural Preservation' in the Super IGA and agricultural `Lands of National <br />Importance in the Boulder County Comprehensive Plan. The Louisville Open Space <br />Advisory Board has ranked this property as Louisville's number one open space priority. <br />Benefits of acquiring this property include: protection of the Coal Creek riparian corridor, <br />buffering between Louisville and Lafayette and preservation of agricultural use. This <br />acquisition is also a priority for Lafayette (Area C and D). <br />Highway 42 and Coal Creek. This area is approximately 18 acres in size and is located <br />south of Highway 42 between two existing Louisville Open Space properties. The <br />property is also adjacent to the regional Coal Creek trail, is within the Coal Creek riparian <br />corridor and was designated as a 'Significant Riparian Corridor' in the Boulder County <br />Comprehensive Plan. Benefits of acquiring this property include: protection of the Coal <br />Creek riparian corridor and creation of a Iarger contiguous 47 acre open space property. <br />3. 96th Street and Dillon Road. This area is approximately 76 acres in size and is located <br />south of Dillon road between the jointly owned Admor and Trillium Open Space <br />properties. This parcel was designated as agricultural "Lands of National Importance" in <br />the Boulder County Comprehensive Plan. Additionally, this is the last parcel needed to <br />complete the buffer zone between Louisville and Broomfield. <br />39 <br />