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City Council <br />Meeting Minutes <br />September 15, 2015 <br />Page 5 of 20 <br />The new board would take effect January 1, 2016. Staff recommended the three <br />members of HFAB whose terms do not expire in 2015 be appointed to the new Parks <br />Board for the one year remaining in their HFAB terms. If Council approves the <br />resolution, staff would bring back to the City Council an ordinance to remove the <br />Horticulture and Forestry Advisory Board from the Louisville Municipal Code as of <br />December 31. 2015. Advertising for members of a new Parks Advisory Board would <br />begin in late September during the annual recruitment for board and commission <br />members. Applicants would be interviewed in December and those appointed would <br />take office in January 2016. <br />PUBLIC COMMENTS <br />Mark Newland, 719 Pine Needle Lane, Louisville, CO, Horticulture and Forestry <br />Advisory Board (HFAB) Board Member, stated he realizes the importance of a Parks <br />Board, but questioned the new definitions and expanded responsibilities. He stated the <br />resolution changes the name of the board, the duties and appears to be very park <br />centered. It eliminates some valuable parts of the duties and responsibilities of HFAB. <br />He addressed the board name and felt there are other more appropriate names. He felt <br />public landscape should be part of the duties and contained within the name. He <br />referred to the resolution and stated the purpose was very broad in scope and <br />undefined. He reviewed the HFAB Bylaws on the responsibilities of the Board. He was <br />concerned the resolution did not include public landscape as one of the responsibilities <br />of the new board. Public Relations Manager Muth explained the intent of the Parks staff <br />was to include all public landscaping. <br />COUNCIL DISCUSSION <br />Council member Loo stated she is the Council liaison to the HFAB Board. She stated it <br />was not Council's intent to limit HFAB current functions, but rather to expand their <br />responsibilities. She did not believe the resolution accomplishes Council's intent. She <br />agreed the name Parks Advisory Board does not capture the responsibilities of the <br />HFAB or a Parks Board. She suggested a Parks, Horticulture and Forestry Board would <br />define all aspects of the Boards' responsibilities. She also felt including public <br />landscape in the board name would be more appropriate. She reviewed the <br />responsibilities outlined in the resolution and shared Mr. Newland's concern the <br />resolution does not include public land maintenance. . She commented many of the <br />other boards have alternate members and the Parks Board resolution does not <br />establish an altemate member. Public Relations Manager Muth explained alternate <br />members are appointed to quasi - judicial boards, to provide a quorum and the ability to <br />vote on issues. Advisory boards generally do not necessarily need to have alternates. <br />Council member Loo suggested changes be made to the resolution this evening to <br />expedite the process for advertising and interviewing prospective board members. <br />