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Business Retention & Development Committee <br />Meeting Minutes <br />August 31, 2015 <br />Page 2of4 <br />2015 Q2 SALES TAX REPORT: <br />Tax Manager Penney Bolte gave an overview of the 2nd Quarter Tax Report. Quarterly <br />reports are presented to Finance Committee each month. Ms. Bolte reviewed for BRaD <br />the Revenue Summary history in packet. Sales tax revenue is up over 2014. <br />The City is on track with what was budgeted for 2015. Building Use Tax is low but will <br />be right on track after July numbers are posted. City Sales tax revenue is very stable. <br />The tax office monitors our neighboring municipalities' sales tax data. Most cities are up <br />together and down together. <br />When Superior Town Center comes online the existing sales tax area map will need to <br />be revisited. Policy makers, among other things look at where sales taxes are <br />generated. <br />Numbers show we have trended back up over past years but is flattening to typical 2 %, <br />3 %, 4% increases. The City Manager looks at latest numbers for budget purposes. <br />City Manager's Office assumes 3.5% increase per year. <br />Sales tax vs. residential C.O. should be calibrated by Fiscal Model. <br />Inflationary costs for staff and CIP projects will result in a constrained budget for 2016- <br />17. <br />Property tax increase option was discussed. <br />City Manager Fleming pointed out we make sure we do not use one -time revenue to <br />fund ongoing projects. <br />Vice Chair Lathrop thanked Ms. Bolte for her presentation. <br />HISTORIC PRESERVATION MASTER PLAN PRESENTATION: <br />Planning and Building Safety Director Troy Russ gave a presentation of the <br />Preservation Master Plan. Planning would like feedback from all boards. This was <br />presented to HPC. Deb Fahey was also in attendance at the BRaD meeting to help <br />answer any questions. <br />Among other things, the Preservation Master Plan: <br />Protects small town character, creates a sense of place and economic diversity, inspires <br />pride and cultivates tourism. <br />Vision statement was adopted by Council. <br />