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Business Retention & Development Committee <br />Meeting Minutes <br />August 31, 2015 <br />Page 3 of 4 <br />Planning would like feedback: any edits to text on the action plan. How do you believe <br />this tool can benefit BRaD? How can Preservation document be improved? <br />Deb Fahey said HPC would like to make the process more simple. They want to <br />improve demolition permit process so permits for things such as roofs and windows do <br />not have to go through HPC. They would like to give some administrative power to staff <br />so insignificant repairs can be made without having to go to HPC. They want to make <br />preservation and reinvestment easier. <br />Discussion began about the perceived negativity the stays on demolition has created <br />with some projects. <br />Ms. Fahey said the emphasis by HPC is to educate people on process. Planning <br />Director Russ added that they are targeting real estate brokers so they can inform <br />people prior to investment in drawings. <br />Need to guard against "false fronts" re: the Live Work Ordinance. <br />Please send any redline comments on the Preservation Master Plan to Troy Russ or <br />Lauren Trice. They are going to a Council Study Session on 9/27. <br />RETENTION MEETINGS: <br />Economic Development Director DeJong and Council member Loo visited Spice China. <br />The owner is selling the restaurant to family in Aurora that has 4 other Chinese <br />restaurants. He is retaining the property. The owner said landscaping is problematic. <br />He would like to see something done with Sam's Club and said the vacancy is affecting <br />business on McCaslin. He would like to see more residential. DeJong told the owner <br />that he can come to Council re: landscaping. Restaurant owners cannot make evening <br />meetings. Council member Loo feels commercial side may be underrepresented in <br />meetings. <br />Spice China owner said 85% of clientele is local. He hopes that the new Superior <br />residential people will come to Louisville. <br />DeJong will prepare memo to the owner explaining landscape options. <br />ECONOMIC DEVELOPMENT UPDATE: <br />Sam's Club UR Plan is going to Council for second consideration on 9/1. DeJong <br />encourages everyone to come to meeting on Tuesday. <br />Planning is very busy. BRaD reviewed picture of Planning work board. <br />