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VOLUNTEER - RANDY CARNIVAL <br /> <br />Mayer took strong exception to what he felt Councilman Lathrop was <br />doing. He stated that when Council was presented with a change to <br />the Ethics Ordinance, that the City had worked on for 18 months, at <br />11:30 p.m. at the end of the last Council meeting, with just one <br />(1) person present in the audience, he took great exception to <br />that. He stated that there is no problem with Mr. Carnival <br />continuing as a coach of the Louisville swim team on a volunteer <br />basis. He felt amending the ordinance was completely unnecessary. <br />He stated that ethics are important and the ordinance shouldn't be <br />changed on a whim. He stated that Louisville had the strictest <br />ordinance in the State. He recognized the many fine things that <br />Mr. Carnival had done with the swim team and felt that there was <br />nothing to prevent him from continuing in that capacity. <br /> <br />Sisk gave some history as to what had transpired. He stated that <br />Mr. Carnival served on the Council during the time that the <br />ordinance was being considered. The Ethics Ordinance was adopted <br />in July of 1992, at which time Mr. Carnival was still acting as a <br />swimming coach. His appointment was based upon a year to year <br />basis. The ordinance stated that no Councilperson could be an <br />employee of the City for two (2) years after leaving their Council <br />position, which was for the purpose of preventing that person from <br />using their influence unduly. He stated that the Ethics Ordinance <br />was not set up to exclude Randy Carnival from acting as swim coach. <br />He explained that Mr. Carnival could still continue to volunteer as <br />a swim coach for one (1) more year and, then be paid after that <br />year, to comply with the Ethics Ordinance. He stated that people <br />who think Mr. Carnival can not act as a volunteer coach for that <br />one (1) year period are totally wrong and Sisk took violent <br />exception to that kind of thinking. <br /> <br />Howard: <br /> <br />I don't understand why a large group <br />of the fine citizens of the City of <br />Louisville were called out tonight <br />on a issue that is really a non- <br />issue. There was never, never a <br />time when Mr. Carnival was not <br />allowed to be swim team coach, <br />regardless of what he said. The law <br />clearly states that to be a swim <br />team coach, he can volunteer his <br />time. You just heard the City <br />Administrator clearly say that we <br />handle the insurance for many, many <br />volunteers, so that's not an issue. <br />The issue that I see is that it <br />appears to me that, if, as it was <br />stated in one of the local papers, <br />money is not the problem, then we're <br />all in concurrence. If money is not <br /> <br />5 <br /> <br /> <br />