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• Capital Budget — the first year of the Five -Year Capital Improvement Plan. These amounts <br />are automatically included in the annual budget process. <br />• Capital Improvement Plan (C -I -P) — a plan that describes the capital projects and associated <br />funding sources the City intends to undertake in the next fiscal year plus four additional <br />future years. <br />• Collateral — Securities, evidence of deposit or other property, which a borrower pledges to <br />secure repayment of a loan. Also refers to securities pledged by a bank to secure deposits <br />of public monies (Public Deposit Protection Act; CRS 11- 10.5 -101 et seq.) <br />• Current Refunding — a refunding in which the outstanding bonds are retried within 90 days <br />after the new bonds are sold. <br />• Competitive Bond Sale — bonds are marketed to a wide audience of investment banking <br />(underwriter) firms. Sealed bids are submitted at a specific date and time and the <br />underwriter is selected based on its bid for the City's securities. <br />• Dealer— as opposed to a broker, acts as a principal in all transactions, buying and selling for <br />his own account. <br />• Delivery- versus - Payment — delivery of securities with an exchange of money for the <br />securities. Delivery- versus- receipt is delivery of securities with an exchange of a signed <br />receipt for the securities. <br />• Full Accrual Basis of Accounting — under tis basis of accounting, revenue is recognized <br />when earned and expenses are recognized when the liability is incurred. <br />• Fund — An independent fiscal and accounting entity with a self - balancing set of accounts <br />recording cash and /or other resources, together with all related liabilities, obligations, <br />reserves, and equities, which are segregated for the purpose of carrying out specific <br />activities or attaining certain objectives. <br />• Fund Balance — the difference between (a) assets and deferred outflows of resources and <br />(b) liabilities and deferred inflows of resources in a governmental fund. <br />o Non - spendable Fund Balance — fund balance that is inherently non - spendable, such as <br />the long -term portion of loans receivable, the principal of an endowment, and <br />inventories. <br />o Restricted Fund Balance — fund balance that has externally enforceable limitations on <br />its use, imposed by parties such as creditors, grantors, or laws and regulations of other <br />governments. <br />o Committed Fund Balance — fund balance with limitations imposed by the government <br />itself at its highest level of decision making. For example, for the City of Louisville, this <br />would be limitations imposed on fund balance by the Council through an ordinance or <br />resolution. <br />