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o Assigned Fund Balance — fund balance that is earmarked for an intended use at either <br />the highest level of decision making or by a body or an official designated for that <br />purpose. <br />o Unassigned Fund Balance — all fund balances that are left after considering the other <br />four categories. Use is the least restricted in this category of fund balance. <br />o Unrestricted Fund Balance — a category of fund balance that comprises committed fund <br />balance, assigned fund balance, and unassigned fund balance. Unrestricted fund <br />balance is, therefore, unconstrained or the constraints are self- imposed, so they could <br />be lifted in order to make fund balances available for other purposes <br />• General Fund Operating Expenditures — as used in the financial indicators, this term refers <br />to total General Fund expenditures, Tess non - recurring interfund transfers -out. <br />• General Fund Operating Revenue — as used in the financial indicators, this term refers to <br />total General Fund revenue, less other financing sources (such as sales of assets) and <br />interfund transfers -in. <br />• General Fund Recurring Expenditures — as used in the financial indicators, this term refers <br />to total General Fund expenditures, Tess non - recurring interfund transfers -out. <br />• General Fund Recurring Revenue — as used in the financial indicators, this term refers to <br />total General Fund revenue, less non - recurring building - related revenue, non - recurring and <br />non - operational grants, other financing sources, and interfund transfers -in. <br />• General Fund Sales Tax Revenue — as used in the financial indicators, this term refers to <br />total sales tax revenue less any sales tax rebates due to Business Assistance Packages. <br />• General Obligation Bonds — bonds backed by the "full faith and credit" of the City. <br />Bondholders have the authority to compel the City to use its taxing power, or to use other <br />revenue sources, to generate the revenue necessary to repay the bonds General <br />obligation bonds are subject to the City's debt limitation and voter approval is required. <br />• Liquidity — refers to the ease in which an asset can be converted into cash without a <br />substantial loss of value. <br />• Modified Accrual Basis of Accounting — under this basis of accounting, revenue is <br />recognized when it become both measurable and available. Measurable means the amount <br />of the transaction can be determined and available means collectible within the current <br />period or soon enough thereafter to be used to pay liabilities of the current period. <br />Expenditures are recognized when they are expected to draw on current spendable <br />resources. <br />• Negotiated Bond Sale — the City selects the underwriter in advance of the bond sale. The <br />Financial Advisor and City staff work with the underwriter to bring the issue to the market <br />and negotiate all rates and terms of the sale. <br />