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Mohr moved that Resolution #2 be approved as set <br />forth by Mr. Wanush,. Anderson seconded. By Roll <br />Call Vote Resolution #2 was approved unanimously. <br />RESOLUTION #3, SERIES 1988 - FINDING OF FACT AND CONCLUSIONS - COAL CREEK <br />ANNEXATION PETITION Williamson read in ~:ts entirety Resolution #3, "A <br />Resolution setting forth findings of fact and con- <br />clusions relative to the annexation of certain real <br />property located along Coal Creek between Dillon <br />Road and Cherry Street and more particularly des- <br />cribed herein." This annexation is approximately 227 <br />acres. <br />Anderson and Sackett. asked to be excused from the <br />proceedings so as to avoid any possible conflict of <br />interest. Mayor Fauson excused than and opened the <br />public hearing. <br />Resolution #38 set January 5, 1988 as a public <br />hearing to determine whether 31-12-104 and 105 of <br />the State Statues have been met. <br />Staff has reviewed t]he annexation and has determined <br />that: 1)there is not less than 1/6 contiguity, 2) a <br />community of interest exists, 3) no land held in <br />identical ownership is being divided, 4) there is no <br />land larger than 20 acres being annexed without the <br />consent of the owner, 5) no other annexation of the <br />same property has been commenced, 6) no land will be <br />detached from a school district, 7) no property <br />extends beyond three miles of the City limit and the <br />existing Comprehensive Plan includes this area and <br />it, together with existing drainage, water, sewer, <br />and streets plan con;stitues the "plan in place", 8) <br />the full widths of al.l rights-of-way are being <br />annexed, 9) no election is required under Section <br />31-12-107 (2), and 10) an annexation agreement must <br />be signed outlining additional conditions including, <br />but not limited to, restricting the types of <br />development that may occur and specifying actions <br />required at the subdivision stage. <br />Mayor Fauson called f'or any comments either in favor <br />of or in opposition t.o Resolution #3. None. <br />Mayor Fauson closed t:he public hearing and called <br />for a motion. <br />Mohr moved that Resolution #3 be adopted. Mayor <br />Fauson seconded. By Roll Call Vote, Resolution #3 <br />was adopted 5-0. <br />Anderson and Sackett rejoined the meeting. <br />4 <br />