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punch pass is nece:osary if the fees are strictly <br />voluntary. <br />Margaret Ness, Executive Director of STS, stated <br />that a punch pass was implemented to eliminate the <br />need to carry change. Also, those people unable <br />to pay would not bey distinguished from those who <br />can. Upon request, STS will mail punch passes to <br />individuals who wish to have this convenience. <br />Regular trips to Denver will be made by STS when <br />their new van arrives. Until that time, trips <br />will be made upon request. <br />Mohr stated that in a discussion last week among <br />staff, Seniors, STS and Mohr, most, if not all, <br />concerns with the STS contract have been either <br />changed or clarified to meet the needs and desires <br />of the Seniors. To ensure the quality of the <br />service, STS and th,e Senior Advisory Board will <br />continue to monitor the program and discuss issues <br />that may arise. <br />Anderson moved that: the contract with STS for <br />transportation services for Senior citizens and <br />handicapped person: be approved. Mohr seconded. <br />Unanimous. <br />APPROVAL OF LOUISVILLE FIRE PROTECTION DISTRICT REQUEST - USE OF MEMORY <br />SQUARE PARK FOR NCFFA <br />FIELD DAY Hundley stated that: upon request by the Louisville <br />Fire Protection District for the use of Memory <br />Square Park for the: annual NCFFA Field Day on June <br />14, 1987, staff has, reviewed the needs of the Fire <br />District as outlined in their letter of January <br />19, 1987. <br />Leesman assured Council that the requests made by <br />the Fire District could be accommodated and he did <br />not see any problems with having the Field Day at <br />Memory Square Park. <br />Chuck Schmidt, Chief of LFPD, explained that the <br />Northern Colorado Firefighters Association con- <br />sists of about 15-20 fire departments throughout <br />the northern part of Colorado. Once a year a <br />field day is held where they hold 12 firefighter <br />races. Louisville hosted this field day in 1978 <br />and it was a very positive experience for both the <br />Association and the' City. It is a public family <br />oriented event and Schmidt hopes to have the <br />Chamber of Commerce involved in promoting the <br />event and assist tYie LFPD in having food booths <br />and possibly arts and crafts booths. There will a <br />display of fire department memorabilia. <br />2 <br />