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Crowd control, residential parking around the <br />park, and any concerns the churches may have were <br />all considered by t:he LFPD and are being resolved <br />according to Schmidt. <br />Sackett congratulated the LFPD for taking the <br />initiative to hold this event in Louisville and is <br />very happy to spon:~or the Field Day this year. <br />Scarpella moved that the use of Memory Square Park <br />for this event be approved. Anderson seconded. <br />Unanimous. <br />ORDINANCE #923 - WARD BOUNDARIES <br />PUBLIC HEARING Rautenstraus read by title only Ordinance #923, <br />"An Ordinance amending Title One of the Louisville <br />Code adding territory recently annexed into Wards <br />and Reapportioning the existing Wards of the City <br />of Louisville." Proper publication and notice of <br />public hearing werE~ established and Mayor Fauson <br />opened the public Yiearing. <br />Hundley explained t;hat at the January 6, 1987, <br />Council Meeting, Council approved on first reading <br />Ordinance #923 regarding changes in the City's <br />ward boundaries. Z'he proposed changes are <br />designed to rectify an existing imbalance of <br />population among tYie three wards. The ward <br />boundaries chosen offer a better balance now and <br />an equitable population distribution five years <br />from now based on current projections. These <br />proposed boundary changes add most of Hillsborough <br />West Filing I to Ward I and placed the following <br />subdivisions (curre:ntly in Ward III) in Ward II: <br />Saratoga, Sundance, Sundance II, Westfield II and <br />the northern half crf Sundance III. <br />Mayor Fauson asked for anyone wishing to speak <br />either in favor of or in opposition to the <br />proposed ordinance changes. None. <br />Mohr stated that tYiese changes allow for develop- <br />ment to occur without having to change the ward <br />boundaries again for 5-6 years possibly longer. <br />Mohr also stated that he would like to encourage <br />the participation c>f people in elections by <br />stabilizing the Ward boundaries. <br />Mayor Fauson thanked staf f for the work and effort <br />that was put into these proposed ward changes. <br />Sackett stated that the changes keep a mix of both <br />new development anti old town within each ward. <br />Each Councilman ha:~ a balanced constituency which <br />Sackett feels very important. <br />3 <br />