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FOLLOW-UP DISCUSSION - <br />McCASLIN ALIGNMENT <br />Hundley explained to Council that a letter and a <br />detailed outline of events from 1973 to the <br />present regarding the alignment of McCaslin <br />Boulevard (80th Street) were sent to concerned <br />homeowners. Hundley recommended to continue with <br />construction of McCaslin Boulevard at its current <br />alignment and either berm or fence the area <br />directly adjacent to Lots 1,2,3 and 4 at the <br />Hillsborough West Subdivision. Also staff will <br />look at the possibility of sound fencing, if <br />needed, based on increased traffic volumes in the <br />Hilltop Subdivision for properties directly <br />adjacent to McCaslin Blvd. Hundley also stated <br />that there was an error in the outline. <br />Louisville Associates was referred to and it <br />should have read Louisview Associates. <br />Mayor Fauson called upon those people wishing to <br />speak to thi s i ssuE~ . <br />Jerry Foster, 1091 W. Willow, stated that the <br />alignment of McCas:lin has been changed several <br />times prior to the commencement of construction <br />and would like to know why it can't be changed <br />again. Foster wani:ed to know why a traffic noise <br />impact study was never done. Foster felt that <br />right-of-way widths and medians seem to vary -- <br />why aren't they standardized. <br />Braxton Tabb, 1099 W. Willow, stated that many <br />changes have occurred in Louisville, i.e., fewer <br />employees at STC, rio regional shopping center is <br />being built, etc. Tabb referenced minutes from <br />the 9/18/84 Council Meeting wherein Councilwoman <br />Morris moved that City Attorney Rautenstraus <br />continue negotiations with property owners for <br />realignment of the realignment of McCaslin <br />Blvd. Also in those minutes Tabb stated that <br />Morris asked for Council support to have <br />Rautenstraus continue negotiations with the people <br />involved in the construction for a reasonable <br />alternative and if there was not a reasonable <br />alternative, then provide Council with reasons why <br />not. Tabb feels tY:~ere was not sufficient effort. <br />Tabb also feels he has not been treated fairly and <br />that notification of commencement of construction <br />on McCaslin was too late to do anything about. <br />David Burns, 1023 W'. Alder, endorsed comments by <br />Foster and Tabb. Burns feels that the safety <br />issue has been raised as a "red herring" stating <br />that if someone were truly worried about the <br />safety of McCaslin, they would not have put bike <br />lanes in the street. Burns also stated that <br />2 <br />