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citizen participation has not been fully met. <br />There were no residents in that area when McCaslin <br />was designed and now there are -- yet everything <br />is "hardened into concrete" and the interests of <br />the residents have not been truly addressed. <br />Hundley feels that possibly earlier meetings <br />should have taken place to better inform citizens, <br />however, McCaslin has been platted for many years. <br />Mayor Fauson recommended to Council that the City <br />not hault construction and continue to monitor <br />progress of the noise and possible construction of <br />sound barriers if :needed in the future. <br />Mohr stated that people should realize although <br />neighboring residents have concerns regarding <br />their proximity to McCaslin -- it does not mean <br />that it does not have an important part in the <br />total comprehensive plan of the City which has <br />been worked on comprehensively and very carefully <br />for the past 15 years. Mohr stated that he had a <br />similar experience when he moved into his house on <br />Pine Street simply because he did not make himself <br />aware of the comprehensive plan. Yet he has no <br />right to stop the ongoing development of that <br />area. He fully empathizes and earlier meetings <br />may have helped, however the outcome probably <br />would not have beers any different. There were <br />over 65 public hearings regarding McCaslin being a <br />four-lane arterial built to certain <br />specifications. <br />In response to a question by Anderson, Hundley <br />stated that when construction commences, it is a <br />courtesy to contact area residents. Once <br />something is platted and the right-of-way is <br />there, construction may begin immediately or <br />several years hence. Also, Hundley stated that a <br />noise impact study was not required for McCaslin. <br />Rautenstraus related that he had in fact reported <br />to Council his efforts with respect to the <br />extensive negotiations requesting the property <br />owners consideration of a different alignment. <br />Rautenstraus was told by the property owner's <br />attorney that they would not even consider it as <br />it would be too detrimental to their property. <br />They would not negotiate on this point. <br />Mayor Fauson moved that the City <br />not hault construction but continue to monitor <br />the situation and alleviate some concerns as was <br />recommended previously. Anderson seconded adding <br />that the City do what can be done within the <br />3 <br />