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Historic Preservation Commission <br />Meeting Minutes <br />February 8, 2016 <br />Page 3 of 13 <br />assistant City Manager to run through three locations being considered as appropriate <br />places to locate the casino. <br />1. One is at 1517 Main Street and we have a Letter of Intent with the landowner. <br />The location is a 3/4 acre lot located to the northwest of the Tesone property off <br />Main Street. It splits between the school district and the private property resident. <br />I met with the residents at the Tesone property and they are supportive of the <br />idea of placing the casino there. We are doing some due diligence with local <br />support to find out how they feel about this repurposing of the casino. I met with <br />the school district, Leslie Stafford, Chief Operations Officer, BVSD, and <br />presented the idea of trying to integrate the casino with the school district so it <br />could become an active museum. It would also serve as an office facility for the <br />nonprofit I run called Social Equity Economic Development for Sustainability LLC <br />(SEEDS). It is intended to teach young students, both at elementary, middle, high <br />school, and post- secondary education level on how to have a career more in the <br />path of sustainability. We presented 1517 Main Street as a placeholder. <br />2. The second location would be a site in partnership with the school, and place the <br />building on school grounds. BVSD is looking at that option internally and have <br />discussions about it. I presented the idea in some detail to school administration. <br />It would be located on the north side of Louisville Middle School (LMS) and front <br />out towards Main Street. Feedback from city staff and the mayor is that they <br />support the idea of repurposing the building on school grounds. <br />3. The third location on the north side of town is at 1655 Main Street. A conceptual <br />idea is the building could be repurposed with a collection of other buildings <br />serving as a potential "pocket park" with economic variables that would drive eco- <br />tourism. It is a 2 acre site for the benefit of creating green pocket park with a <br />roundabout running through the center of it. It would have architectural features <br />on the perimeter of the radius. The progression would go from coal to oil to <br />agriculture to railroad with component pieces populating around the perimeter. It <br />would serve as an interplay between the north side of South Boulder Road and <br />the south side of Downtown Business District and bring people through the <br />medium of the pocket park. It announces itself as a strong gateway to the City of <br />Louisville and a place where you have arrived. You can imagine the Hecla <br />Casino representing the coal industry, maybe an agricultural structure <br />representing the agriculture, the railroad cars (slated for demolition), and a a <br />zero -net energy house representing a Visitor Center. I know the City has a Visitor <br />Center on the books already. Why not have two visitor centers? <br />Balfour and my company continue to move forward in trying to explore how this will work <br />so it meets with their timeline to get the Hecla Casino removed from their site. We have <br />a Letter of Agreement that stipulates six months and we are already one month past the <br />six months. We are trying to move as quickly as we can. I am open to a joint meeting as <br />a study session that might help to explore these options and get support from the HPC. <br />It would be helpful for Simkus Development to get an endorsement from the HPC and <br />bring it forward to CC. <br />Koertje says we talked years ago about this when you were in a different capacity. I <br />appreciate your continued interest in this structure and trying to save it, move it, and give <br />it a useful life. <br />Simkus says thank you. It is a personal thing for me as my grandfather was a coal <br />miner. He came from Lithuania and worked in the coal mines. <br />