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SUBJECT: LOUISVILLE CULTURAL COUNCIL ANNUAL REPORT <br />DATE: APRIL 26, 2016 <br />PAGE 3 OF 4 <br />b. Offer Arts Grants for 2017 and 2018. Making the Arts Grant program <br />permanent has the potential to offer innovative programming, forge <br />creative relationships, and increase Louisville's profile as an arts <br />destination. <br />c. Enhance Marketing and Build a Brand. Over the next 2 years, building a <br />stronger brand for the LCC will help us build audiences, better support the <br />artists we hire, and perhaps even generate additional revenue. We are <br />very lucky in that LCC Vice President, Blake Welch, owns a professional <br />design company and is sharing his expertise with us. <br />d. Articulate a vision for Public Art in Louisville including, but not limited to, <br />the Sculpture Garden in Community Park. We are taking this issue off the <br />back burner where it has languished since the 2013 flood. We have <br />cleared half of our April 2016 meeting for a public art presentation by <br />Suzanne Janssen. The LCC will then begin a discussion and determine <br />recommendations to City Council regarding public art in Louisville. <br />e. More collaboration within our community. Because our mission is also to <br />support and engage, over the next two years we will actively look for <br />collaborative partners for LCC productions. (For example, at our invitation <br />the Louisville Museum Foundation sponsored the food table at a recent <br />MOTUS Theater production, which was itself a collaboration with the <br />LCC.) <br />f. Continue to promote arts and culture in Louisville by offering high quality, <br />easily accessible programs. <br />3. IN WHAT AREAS DO YOU NEED CITY COUNCIL INPUT /FEEDBACK? <br />a. City Council has allocated a programming budget of $10,000 a year for <br />the past several years. Do you have any feedback for us about the way <br />we have spent it? <br />b. We would prefer not to take up time in the Study Session in consideration <br />of this issue, but as we move forward we would like to understand what <br />outcomes the City hopes to achieve regarding the issue of 501(c)3- -City <br />board overlap. The LCC would appreciate time to determine how best to <br />comply. <br />4. DOES THE BOARD THINK TERM - LIMITS FOR BOARD MEMBERS WOULD <br />BE A GOOD IDEA OR A BAD ONE? <br />If the city is consistently getting more board applicants than available seats for <br />boards, term limits would be a good idea to allow for more citizen participation. <br />If the city is consistently getting more applications than open seats on just one or <br />two boards, it could be a good idea to term limit only the most popular boards. <br />5. DOES YOUR BOARD HAVE PROBLEMS OR CONCERNS REGARDING <br />MEMBER ABSENCES AT MEETINGS? <br />CITY COUNCIL COMMUNICATION <br />