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City Council <br />Study Session Summary <br />April 21, 2016 <br />Page 4 of 5 <br />support for the idea. The Task Force is still working on reviewing the amenities <br />and costs. The issue would possibly go before voters this fall. Stevens gave an <br />overview of the renovation and expansion. The Task Force is a broad <br />representation of citizens. The expansion would take the Rec Center from <br />approx. 60,000 sf to around 100,000 sf. Aquatics would greatly be expanded. <br />Council member Loo said the Task Force will host two open houses on May 4th; <br />one in the morning and one in the evening. Council member Loo invited the <br />Superior Board and residents to attend. <br />The possibility of non - residents being able to use Superior's pools for a non- <br />resident fee was brought up and discussed. <br />Town Manager Magley gave an update on recreation opportunities in Superior. <br />There have been multiple discussions about recreational opportunities within the <br />Superior Town Center. Plans are still under discussion. Also, Superior owns 15 <br />acres south of town but there are no plans currently under way to build a <br />Recreation Center. There will be several parks in the Town Center. Trustees <br />talked about possible plans in Town Center — it would be mostly meeting space <br />with perhaps some room for classes. <br />Mayor Folsom said there are a lot of moving parts in Superior and the Board <br />does not feel there were enough users for a brand new recreational facility. <br />Mayor Folsom would like to add a roof over their north pool. <br />Council member Stolzmann said Louisville will look at all recreation fees. <br />Mayor Folsom said there are good opportunities for ongoing conversations and <br />for Superior and Louisville to work together. <br />Water Interconnect Update and Wastewater Overflow IGA Recap <br />Louisville Public Works Director Kurt Kowar said they spent two hours going over <br />punch list items for the water interconnect. It is a good "insurance policy" for both <br />communities. It will be tested routinely. <br />A question was asked by Superior regarding what the construction that took <br />place at the HBWTP. Louisville Staff indicated that the construction was the <br />installation of drying beds to bring the WTP in accordance with EPA permit limits. <br />The results of joint Wastewater Treatment between Superior and Louisville were <br />discussed. Both agencies agreed the results for cost savings were marginal and <br />neither Louisville nor Superior were in favor of moving forward any further on this <br />issue. <br />