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Open Space Advisory Board <br />Minutes <br />April 13th 2015 <br />Page 2 of 7 <br />assembly and a 3 -5rd grade "mixture of adults and kids program" assembly. Ember is <br />hoping that LES will want this to be an annual event and that other local schools will <br />want to do it, too. Catherine did the presentation and Ranger Kelsey assisted. <br />D. There was an Insect Lore event put on by the Butterfly Pavilion. There were 9 <br />participants. <br />E. There was a "How we grow" lifecycle presentation for preschoolers. There <br />were 11 participants. <br />F. This Friday will be the City of Louisville Family Fishing Frenzy at Warembourg <br />Open Space. Ember is looking for more volunteers so if any OSAB members want to <br />participate please let staff know. <br />G. There will be a bird walk on the Coal Creek Golf Course on April 23rd. Joe <br />Stevens is looking for ideas to get non - golfing citizens involved and invested in the golf <br />course. <br />H. Coyotes seem to be denning on Davidson Mesa, on the slope to the south. <br />There was an incident where a coyote growled and followed a runner. The runner <br />attempted to intimidate the coyote and it didn't back down. Laura asked if the Coyote <br />Management Plan kicked into gear with the report of this incident. Ember reported that <br />the procedures put in place by the Coyote Management Plan were implemented as <br />prescribed and worked great, as everyone knew immediately what to do and to whom to <br />report. <br />I. Geese are nesting at Harper Lake and citizens have reported that they are <br />being aggressive. Staff has put up signs to alert visitors. <br />J. Raptors are nesting in the grove at the northwest corner of Warembourg. For <br />the last two years raptor nests have failed there and staff are concerned this may be due <br />to heavy recent social trail use in the grove. Staff put up a sandwich board with <br />information about nesting raptors, asking citizens to stay off those social trails. <br />K. There are three great horned owl nests with chicks in the city. <br />L. Staff has started an intensive sign campaign about how dogs are not allowed <br />at Harper Lake. Larger sandwich boards have been placed on the property and will <br />remain up for two weeks. <br />M. Ember asked if the board was interested a tour of the Harney Lastoka <br />property, reviewing the history and the status of the current CIP projects. The board was <br />very interested. The board thought May would be a good month for this tour. Ember <br />said she'd also invite City Council, the Historic Preservation Commission, and the open <br />space and historical boards from Lafayette. The board preferred after -work times, either <br />on Mondays or Tuesdays. <br />N. The new ranger, Kelsey Harter, is on her second week of work. Kelsey has a <br />lot of experience and training, including EMT and police academy training. She will <br />come to the May OSAB meeting, where Ember has asked her to present a baseline <br />report on open space enforcement data based on 2015 police department data. She <br />isn't in uniform yet, but she's already on Open Space properties monitoring conditions <br />and learning about the properties. Ember is very pleased with the new hire and had <br />complimentary words to share about Kelsey's professionalism. <br />O. Cost estimates for the Harper Lake educational sign are due Friday. The <br />aeration project contract for Hecla Lake is coming up soon. <br />P. The bird blind is up at Helca Lake and the developers have rebuilt the trail <br />that connects Hecla to South Boulder Road. Mike asked if there is space at the bird <br />blind for informational signs and Ember said there was. <br />3 <br />