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Apartments, who had threatened litigation against the city based on various fees and charges imposed <br />by the city in the construction of Centennial Apartments. <br /> <br />Maj-Lis Kemper, City Clerk, read the appropriate statement (SEE ATTACHED). <br /> <br />Davidson moved that Council go into Executive Session for the purpose stated by the acting City <br />Attorney, with the additional attendance of the Planning Director and the Chief Building Inspector. <br />Seconded by Howard. Roll call was taken. Motion passed by 7 - 0 vote. <br /> <br />Council adjourned to Executive Session. <br /> <br />Council returned from Executive Session. <br /> <br />Tami Tanoue, acting City Attorney, stated that Council had discussed in Executive Session a <br />proposed settlement agreement and release with the owners of Centennial Apartments, and <br />recommended that Council adopt a motion to approve the agreement and authorize the Mayor to <br />execute it. <br /> <br />Davidson called for Council discussions or motions. <br /> <br />Howard moved that Council approve the agreement and to authorize the Mayor to execute it. <br />Seconded by Sisk. Roll call was taken. Motion passed by a 7 - 0 vote. <br /> <br />SUPPLEMENTAL FUNDING REQUEST FOR THE BOULDER REGIONAL <br />COMMUNICATIONS CENTER <br /> <br />Bruce Goodman, Chief of Police, stated that they have been discussing the immediate needs of the <br />Communications Center, which is at the staffing level that it was years ago. Five positions have been <br />added in the last two years, with little or no growth in the preceding years. There has been a <br />recommendation that they hire five more people immediately: a supervisor, two dispatchers, a call <br />taker, and two dispatchers. The capital expansion attached to this is over $900,000 for a 1994 <br />supplemental appropriation from the user agencies. The City Managers/Administrators from the four <br />major users (Lafayette, Louisville, Boulder, and Boulder County) met and pared down the $900,000 <br />proposal to personnel only and did away with the capital expansions, resulting in the amount of <br />$168,000/year for the additional positions. He explained that with salary savings from current <br />vacancies, the Center still has a need of about $50,000 to create the new positions. It was proposed <br />that the four main users contribute $50,000 for the remainder of 1994 to hire the additional staff <br />Louisville's portion would be approximately $4,500. For 1995 they will be creating a funding formula <br />based upon use. Louisville's use will be approximately 9%. He commented that there is an informal <br />agreement that in the future, if they go to the Intergovernmental Agreement or funding formula, there <br />will be full representation on the Board of Directors from the Sheriff, City of Boulder, Louisville, <br />Lafayette, and one representative of the fire fighters, taking the Board from two to five members. <br />They have appointed three groups to help determine what's going on with the Center consisting of <br /> <br />11 <br /> <br /> <br />