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Open Space Advisory Board Agenda and Packet 2016 09 14
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Open Space Advisory Board Agenda and Packet 2016 09 14
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OSABPKT 2016 09 14
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Open Space Advisory Board <br />Minutes <br />August 10th 2016 <br />Page 2 of 6 <br />the second time in a second season that this process has been done with the new <br />reservoir design and working with Public Works, so it is still fairly new. <br />D. Staff met with the Harney family about their ideas for a historical interpretative <br />sign at Lake Park Open Space. <br />E. Staff is working on temporary interpretative signs about management <br />practices on Davidson Mesa to help the public understand why we mow, spray, monitor <br />etc. Helen asked how they could be mounted on our windy properties. Ember said that <br />they could be staked to the ground like a real estate sign and would only be put up for a <br />week or two at a time. <br />F. Purple loosestrife was not found on City Open Space properties for the <br />second year in a row, but it was found at low density on the Golf Course. The State of <br />Colorado mandates aggressive eradication of this noxious weed. <br />G. Linda asked Ember about the goat herd weed control that had been <br />scheduled for this summer. Ember shared that the contract with the goat herder had <br />been canceled due to the goats getting sick, but they were hoping to try again next <br />spring. <br />VI. Board Updates - <br />A. Helen asked for ideas about how to keep OSAB meetings shorter and on a <br />tighter schedule. She thought she would need to "keep a firmer gavel." She asked <br />whether the board would be open to starting earlier. A few members were open to this <br />idea. Laura wasn't enthusiastic about an earlier start time, but would go with the <br />majority. Helen also thought it could be harder to start earlier. Mike suggested that <br />there could be a specified end time when the meeting would be cut off. Missy liked the <br />idea of a specified end time, but cautioned against limiting the public input. Spencer and <br />Missy both suggested the idea of selecting a designated time -keeper to help keep time <br />by alerting Helen when items go over schedule. Jeff said that when he was the chair of <br />the Planning Commission they were strict about a 10:00 end time, and when discussion <br />went late the remaining topics got pushed to the next meeting. Helen added that <br />sometimes staff presentations get added to the agenda at the last minute, which extends <br />the meeting agenda out of her control. Missy asked Ember to put together an email <br />survey to ask OSAB members about 6:30 vs. 7:00 start times. <br />B. Joe Stevens had asked Jeff to inform OSAB about City Council's recent <br />discussion of underpasses being funded by the Open Space & Park Fund. On Tuesday <br />(last night), Council discussed the Hwy. 42 underpass that would connect Hecla Lake to <br />the Lake to Lake Trail. Council discussed funding it next year, but not relying on the <br />General Fund, since the General Fund has essentially been used up by addressing <br />deferred paving projects. The Hecla Lake underpass would cost about $300,000 to <br />design in 2017, and possibly cost $1.3 million to complete. The railroad underpass at <br />Bullhead Gulch would cost $93,000 to design. Some of the costs for these projects may <br />be shared by BNSF, CDOT, and RTD. Jeff suggested that Council is doing a fund -by - <br />fund review of planned CIPs in public meetings. He suggested that Ember alert OSAB <br />when the Open Space & Parks Fund is going to be discussed, so board members can <br />attend as individual citizens. <br />VII. Public Comments on Items Not on the Agenda <br />A. Mr. Steve Rasor (409 Majestic View Drive). Mr. Rasor shared his <br />suggestions for signage for the Davidson Mesa Dog Off -Leash Area. He noted that the <br />current Open Space signs mention a $1000 fine for not cleaning up after a dog, but the <br />Dog Off -Leash Area didn't say anything about fines. He thought that more assertive <br />3 <br />
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