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• Expanded collection storage and improved access <br />• ADA access to buildings and ADA -compliant restrooms, making the campus accessible to all <br />• Work space for staff, residents and visitors researching Louisville's history <br />• Additional City meeting space for the community <br />• A more coherent presentation of Louisville history, with existing buildings dedicated to the <br />commercial, domestic, and social aspects of the community's past <br />• A redesigned outdoor campus that provides an outdoor venue for programs and private <br />events <br />• A Visitors' Center where staff can provide a starting point for non-residents and historical <br />tourists looking for an introduction to the City's past and present <br />What Historical Museum staff and resources provide now to support historic preservation: <br />• Through events and programs, expand the knowledge of residents and visitors about the <br />history of Louisville <br />• Support residents exploring the history of their homes or families <br />• Provide extensive written building reports for the Planning Department and the HPC, utilizing <br />information from Louisville families, historic photos, and archival records that have been <br />donated to the Museum. <br />• Make hundreds of images related to the history of Louisville available 24/7 through the <br />Museum's website <br />What HPF support would provide: <br />The Historical Museum is currently open twenty hours each week, and the staff of about 1.5 FTE presents <br />some thirty programs each year. In 2016, attendance at Museum events is estimated to reach 1,900. The <br />Historical Museum operates as a subprogram of the City's Cultural Services Program, and is annually <br />funded from the City's General Fund. In 2016, the Museum's budget was $85,750. Additional program <br />support is provided each year by the Louisville History Foundation. Funding from those sources is <br />ongoing. <br />In order to support the expanded plan above --increasing open hours; developing additional programs, <br />displays and outreach to the community; and making additional information and photos available online -- <br />staffing will need to increase. In addition to the current two positions, the Museum Coordinator (full-time, <br />with a portion supported by the Planning Department) and Museum Technician (half-time), we foresee <br />adding the following positions: <br />• An Education and Outreach Coordinator (40 hours/week) to develop programming for <br />students and the community at large, coordination with area schools to teach local history, <br />and development of rotating displays on the Museum campus <br />• A Curator (40 hours/week) to prepare, care for, and create online records for new and <br />existing artifacts, documents, and photos <br />• Three Visitor Services Representatives at 18 hours/week each to provide tours and <br />information about Louisville history to visitors to the Museum <br />• Seasonal Summer Camp and Program Assistants (two positions for ten weeks, 20 <br />hours/week) <br />The positions listed above represent what we feel is a realistic staffing plan for expanded Museum and <br />Visitor Center services. While it is based on the staffing plan set forth in the ArtsMarket's Business Plan, it <br />is scaled back from that proposal and represents the staffing strategy we feel is necessary to offer <br />2 <br />