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expanded services on a redeveloped campus. Salary estimates are based on research done by Human <br />Resources from Louisville's usual comparison cities as well as surrounding municipalities with City -run <br />museums. <br />This plan would allow the Museum to be open six days a week, for a total of 46 hours each week (Monday <br />through Friday 10-6, Saturday 10-4). Needs may change over time, but this is a good starting point. <br />LAIJCIIIUCU JLdl11115 <br />u <br />Description <br />Amount <br />Education and Outreach Director (full time) <br />$ 46,000 <br />Curator (full time) <br />$ 46,000 <br />Visitor Services Representatives (three @ 18 hours/week) <br />$ 46,620 <br />Seasonal living history and education (contracted; 10 weeks <br />at 20 hours/week) <br />$ 6,000 <br />Total <br />$ 144,620 <br />Revenue sources: <br />Based on the findings of the Business Plan and Needs Assessment, the Museum can anticipate <br />producing revenue from renting the redesigned grounds and Visitors' Center for social events to partially <br />cover O&M costs. Summer camps and retreats are other possible sources of revenue. At this time there <br />are no plans to charge admission for visitors, despite that recommendation from the Business Plan. Like <br />the staffing table above, the brief chart below represents what we feel is a conservative starting point for <br />revenue generation. <br />Projected Revenue <br />Description <br />Amount <br />Foundation support for programs and oral histories <br />$ 5,000 <br />Facility Rentals <br />$ 5,000 <br />Camps and drop-in days, adult Learning programs <br />Total <br />$ 15,000 <br />$ 25,000 <br />Subtracting the costs for the proposed staffing listed above from projected revenue yields an unmet <br />operational cost of $119,620, close to the amount we are requesting from HPF support beginning in 2019. <br />The possibilities for sharing the riches of local history held at the Louisville Historical Museum are bright <br />and the resulting benefit to residents and visitors alike is exciting to contemplate. We look forward to <br />bringing the vision represented by the Museum's Master Plan to fruition, and hope you will join in making it <br />a reality. Thank you for your consideration. <br />3 <br />