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Planning Commission <br />Meeting Minutes <br />February 11, 2016 <br />Page 9 of 18 <br />to grow. I am not against development or seeing additional retail business to help support the <br />sales taxes. I hear different conversations with different people and they seem to want to put a <br />spin on Highway 42, which will not happen for a while. There is no projected date for funding. If <br />you look at where Lafayette may bring in their ballfields and soccer fields on Highway 42, they <br />will impact Highway 42 and everything north. It is already a nightmare at morning and evening <br />work commute. Regarding the underpass at Hecla, is the City funding that? The Kestrel <br />developer told me that they were paying 100% of that pedestrian underpass. I want to make <br />sure that is on public record. They are not present tonight to respond. <br />Robinson says Kestrel is not paying for the underpass, but they are paying for the trail to the <br />underpass. The County is going to provide some funding towards the Hecla underpass as part <br />of a separate agreement we have had for several years. The underpass will require some City <br />funding as well. Boulder County Housing Authority (BCHA) as part of the Kestrel development <br />will build the trail on the west side of the underpass but I don't know the exact amount. <br />Caranci says the Kestrel developer then basically misled that group. I asked that same question <br />at the public meeting. When somebody says "some" funding, I don't know how much that is. It <br />might be a fraction amount. There are a lot of costs associated with the underpass. The Kestrel <br />development is going to do really well. I am not a big proponent of public housing or BCHA <br />receiving funds from the City of Louisville. They told us at a public meeting with citizens present <br />that they will pay 100% of the underpass. This is my concern and I like to make it part of public <br />record when I can. <br />Sherry Sommer, 910 S. Palisade Court, Louisville, CO <br />I want to say a big thank you to Alex Bradley for advocating for our children and our schools. <br />We know there is a huge negative factor in Colorado that schools are woefully underfunded. I <br />have had personal experience with stresses on my family due to crowding in schools. I know <br />that BVSD may have certain guidelines or limits but I think we need to be proactive as a <br />community to protect our children where we can with the tools we have. I respect that the PC <br />may not have all the tools, but I urge you to use whatever tools you can. I have a question <br />regarding the impact fees in the next couple of years. I wonder where the $5 million comes from <br />regarding capital improvements since the impact fees seem to be lagging? <br />Robinson says every year, the City goes through a budgeting process. As a development <br />comes in, the City looks at it and assesses priorities and allocates funding based on what they <br />feel is important. The way the fiscal model works, it is a purely mathematical project. It is up to <br />CC to decide if they will spend money to maintain the existing level of service. <br />Sommer says the CC could potentially raise taxes? I think it is important to evaluate the impact <br />fees sooner rather than later. <br />Robinson says under the State Constitution, any increase in taxes has to go to a vote by the <br />people. They just can't decide to raise taxes. They instituted the use tax a few years ago. If CC <br />decides that is the direction they want to go, they can take something to the public. <br />Tengler asks for clarification regarding the $5 million deficit in the Capital Projects fund. Has <br />Staff looked at this from the standpoint of the 20 year plan and how that impacted this? <br />Robinson says the capital is tied directly to when the development comes in and creates new <br />demand on capital facilities. We don't know when it is going to happen. The model shows the <br />residential coming in the first few years because currently, there is high demand for residential. <br />Commercial is mostly spread out over the first 10 years of the development. The operational <br />impacts are cumulative and happen every year. The capital is one time and tied to a specific <br />development. <br />Cindy Bedell, 662 W Willow Street, Louisville, CO <br />I want to lend my support to what some other public comments have stated. I have been in <br />attendance through much of the public process. I want to remind the PC that throughout the <br />public process, the input has been loud and clear that the community does not support <br />additional residential beyond what has already been approved in the planned area, especially <br />