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Planning Commission <br />Meeting Minutes <br />February 11, 2016 <br />Page 5 of 18 <br />Louisville Plaza/King Soopers. Staff proposes a mix of pedestrian and auto - <br />oriented design, varied 1-2 stories along the arterial, green spaces within the <br />development, connections into the development, varied 2-3 stories within the <br />development, a series of smaller building footprints, connections between <br />developments, break up of larger parking lots, and creation of an internal <br />network. <br />• Implementation <br />o Draft and adopt design standards and guidelines <br />o Timeline <br />o Cost estimates to be given in ranges <br />Commission Questions of Staff- <br />Brauneis says we have looked at a number of the elements of this plan in the past. Can you <br />clarify what Staff is looking for? <br />Robinson says we are looking for the PC to adopt a resolution recommending approval of the <br />plan to City Council (CC). If there are changes or recommendations requested, the PC can give <br />the direction to Staff who will come back at the March PC meeting with the changes so it can be <br />adopted. It will then go to CC and additional public hearings. Anyone thinking they were not <br />adequately heard tonight, or still have concerns, can come to the CC meetings. <br />Pritchard says Staff is also looking for additional direction regarding signalization of Cannon <br />and South Boulder Road. <br />Moline asks about the cost estimates. I am weighing the challenge of approving a plan without <br />cost estimates. <br />Robinson says Staff does not have them ready yet. If the PC is not comfortable approving <br />without them, we will have them by the March meeting. <br />Moline says at one of the early public meetings, there was some cost analysis done on some of <br />the alternatives. <br />Robinson says Staff did the fiscal analysis. This is about ranges of cost for actual public <br />improvements. We are calling for an additional underpass and want to know generally how <br />much will that cost. Also included will be street improvements, infrastructure improvements, and <br />new trails and sidewalks. <br />Rice says on page 29, there is a plan impact analysis. Traffic impact is discussed. There is a <br />matrix listed that shows the change in travel times with and without Kaylix. The information <br />shows westbound traffic will be quicker with Kaylix signal than without. <br />Robinson says the signal timing going west, travel time actually goes down in the am. For the <br />other directions, the overall travel time increases. <br />Hsu asks if any of the new streets are dependent on the traffic signal? <br />Robinson says no. Staff is recommending the streets with or without the Kaylix signal. The <br />streets have benefits even if the signal is not installed. <br />Rice says the Main Street railroad crossing and the South Boulder Road configuration as it <br />currently exists is pretty complex. The Steel Street entrance will move entering traffic from the <br />north. How will that work? <br />Robinson says the reason it was designed as a right -in was because there was concern about <br />cars coming out and cutting across South Boulder Road to make a left onto Main Street. Staff <br />wanted to prevent that movement. Staff is now proposing putting in a raised median between <br />the left turn lane and the west bound through lane and extending it all the way back to Steel <br />Street. A driver would be physically prevented from cutting across to make the left turn. With this <br />improvement, it will be safe to include that connection. It will be necessary to make the changes <br />on Main Street so drivers can't make the weave movement across South Boulder Road. <br />Hsu asks about the traffic light at Kaylix. If the City does not install it now, are there impacts to <br />deciding later? <br />