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Business Retention & Development Committee <br />Meeting Minutes <br />October 3, 2016 <br />Page 2 of 5 <br />Approved <br />APPROVAL OF SEPTEMBER 6, 2016 MINUTES <br />Approved <br />PUBLIC COMMENTS ON ITEMS NOT ON THE AGENDA: <br />Commissioner Shelley Angell was not at the last meeting but wanted to address parking. <br />She said the Chamber has no funds for parking. Does not feel it is a Chamber item to <br />address; feels it is a government item. But Chamber supports additional parking. <br />STREET FAIRE DISCUSSION: <br />Economic Development Director Aaron DeJong reported that overall, Street Faire was <br />flat on a revenue basis. There were fewer complaints from residents though not as <br />vibrant for restaurants and businesses. Weather was decent; no rain outs. Street Faire <br />Committee asked Council for two proposed changes: <br />Increase number of nights to 8 <br />Get one or two bigger bands <br />Council was receptive to that. <br />Commissioner Staufer said wooden nickel program is still underway but not a lot of <br />positive feedback. Redemption after Street Faire did not work. Redemption value was <br />flawed. Don't have manpower to take it on right now. <br />Commissioner Pritchard said you can overplay on a particular act. Perhaps March 4th <br />has been overplayed. <br />Commissioner Staufer said maybe we should have younger acts and attract a younger <br />crowd. Commissioner Pritchard said they don't spend as much and can get rowdy. <br />DBA feels there was some bad publicity last year and things will recover. DBA does not <br />want to overcorrect. <br />Next year there will be 70 more parking spaces downtown. <br />There was discussion of where people came from. This was the first year the DBA has <br />tried to get a trend line. <br />Mike Kranzdorf asked about vendors rates. Vendors said they did not make enough <br />money. The DBA suggested vendors raising rates. <br />Dave Sinkey said the new, improved kid space was much, much better. <br />Chair Loo said Council got comments from residents saying how happy they were and <br />comments from businesses saying things were too flat. <br />3 <br />