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Business Retention & Development Committee <br />Meeting Minutes <br />October 3, 2016 <br />Page 3 of 5 <br />DOWNTOWN RETAIL DISCUSSION <br />DeJong led a discussion on where do we want downtown to go from a business <br />standpoint? <br />Downtown business closings and closings were reviewed. <br />DBA is discussing this topic at their next meeting and Commissioner Staufer will report <br />at the next BRaD meeting. <br />Why is downtown Louisville important? <br />The impression that you get of our community. <br />You get the impression that our downtown is alive based on the restaurant scene. <br />We have a positive impression when people drive downtown. <br />A vibrant downtown keeps us from being a bedroom community. <br />The patio program has been huge making us vibrant. <br />Town Identity — it gives Louisville a place to be Louisville <br />Empire and Blue Parrot signs are iconic <br />Our downtown makes us unique. It looks and feels like a small town. <br />Main Street has kept its integrity. It is the heart of town. <br />Our downtown is authentic — we don't have to try to create it. <br />Street Faire is the greatest word-of-mouth advertising ever. <br />We trade on Louisville brand. People don't want to leave here. People downsizing don't <br />want to leave. <br />Presents our personality. Communicates our personality. <br />It's the only thing we have that is unique. <br />What we have is not unique. There are many old mining towns. People want to be here <br />because of old town. <br />How do residents want to use downtown? <br />Want to office here <br />Want to eat here <br />We want to show it off <br />We want to be entertained <br />Dave Sinkey has a clear vision to take some properties and add retail with offices <br />above. He has ideas to design building that fit long, narrow lots better. <br />Small retail to buy specialty meats, liquor <br />Retail will not work downtown <br />The opportunity for really high end retail exists. <br />Do we want to be a tourist town? Is it worth the trouble? <br />When visitors come do we want to bring them downtown; a place to show off. <br />Music, dancing <br />Incubator, co -working space <br />4 <br />