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Business Retention & Development Committee <br />Meeting Minutes <br />November 7, 2016 <br />Page 2 of 6 <br />PUBLIC COMMENTS ON ITEMS NOT ON THE AGENDA: <br />City Manager Malcolm Fleming gave an update on holiday lights. The City received two <br />bids. This year we will have more lights, more locations, less cost. Lights will be turned <br />on November 18th <br />Commissioner Shelley Angell said the year the Parade of Lights and Art Walk are <br />combined. All of downtown will be lit up on December 2nd <br />Pints in the park went really well. Separation of events was helpful. Back to 2014 levels. <br />BRaD COMMITTEE RESTRUCTURING DISCUSSION: <br />In August 2016, Council had a discussion on boards and commissions. Council asked <br />for feedback on challenges of BRaD Committee. Economic Development Director Aaron <br />DeJong discussed the memo. More formalized input from the business community <br />would be helpful. <br />Chair Loo asked if BRaD functions were separate from the City how would it be funded. <br />DeJong said it would be a mix of public revenues and money from individual <br />memberships. <br />Commissioner Menaker is not troubled by the structure of BRaD. There seems to be <br />better communication between Chamber and DBA which may be a result of this board. <br />Missing component is a representative from McCaslin area. Would hate to see <br />relationships lost that have been built up as a result of this committee. BRaD has hosted <br />a number of roundtables. The issue is that the information is never heeded. We don't <br />incorporate information into plans. Council needs to heed input. Nothing will change <br />until then. Find a couple of issues or a single issue and work on Parking. He <br />discussed issues that could be tackled. Broader, long term initiatives do not get traction. <br />Commissioner Angell said it is hard to give a recommendation to Council but when <br />developers come to BRaD, they are already getting response from Council on <br />committee. Perhaps restructure to where we look at business needs. <br />Council member Maloney said the goals and responsibilities need to be defined. Once <br />we understand those, we will know how to structure. What are we asking this group to <br />do? <br />Commissioner Angell said she thought BRaD is supposed to give recommendations to <br />Council. We talk but we do not move forward to Council. <br />Regarding the downtown parking issue, Council member Maloney said we have added <br />parking at DELO, Blue Parrot parking 107 spaces have been added. Council has not <br />ignored it. There is progress. Council acknowledges it is still a problem. <br />