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LOUISVILLE ENERGY ACTION PLAN <br />"Reduce energy consumption, increase the use of clean energy and transition away from fossil fuels." Each <br />focus area includes internal and external targets with multiple strategies identified to achieve them. For <br />Climate & Energy, targets are as follows: Internal Target 1) Move towards carbon neutrality for all City <br />operations, Internal Target 2) Move toward carbon neutrality in all City buildings and External Target 1) <br />Increase energy efficiency and renewable energy adoption in the commercial and residential sectors. <br />LSAB is an all -volunteer board, originally formed in the 1990s as the Resource Conservation Advisory <br />Board and focused primarily on waste reduction. In 2010, the members proposed expanding their mission <br />to "promoting sustainability through energy efficiency, resource conservation, and localization to better the <br />environment, social well-being, and economic vitality of Louisville." LSAB has taken numerous actions over <br />the years on a variety of sustainability initiatives, including water use and conservation, providing CFL and <br />LED replacement light bulbs to residents, and a comprehensive residential curbside refuse -recycling - <br />compost collection service. In 2016, LSAB has taken on the launch of a green business recognition <br />program in partnership with Boulder County and others that will provide assistance and recognition for <br />commercial businesses that conserve resources. By focusing on the areas of greatest impact and <br />opportunity with the creation of the Sustainability Action Plan, LSAB seeks to encourage and implement <br />initiatives that will contribute effectively to improve the community's triple bottom line and overall quality of <br />life. <br />The Case for a Community Energy Action Plan <br />In order to realize the goals and targets identified in the Sustainability Action Plan's Climate & Energy <br />Focus Area, concrete means of supporting the identified strategies are needed. Realizing that the <br />community's electric and gas utility should ideally play a significant role in the energy reduction efforts, and <br />that achieving significant energy reductions will take the entire community, an Energy Action Plan has been <br />developed. While the Energy Action Plan, or EAP, will not address each of the strategies identified under <br />the Climate & Energy focus area, by identifying efforts the community stands behind will lead to tangible <br />actions and outcomes in support of the targets. <br />In 2014 Louisville Baseline Energy Study, approximately half of GHG emissions were attributable to energy <br />use in the community. Recognizing that, the Energy Action Plan will play a large role in achieving emissions <br />reductions in the short term as well as paving the way for future reductions in the future. As such, Partners <br />in Energy is explicitly identified in the Sustainability Action Plan, and will be a key implementation vehicle <br />for achieving significant savings. <br />In addition to energy and emissions savings, it is important to note that with rebates and reduced utility <br />costs, the community of Louisville is expected to see long term cost savings. Lower heating bills for <br />residents and lower electric costs for businesses allow more money to be directed to other uses, leading to <br />increased wealth and opportunity. Moreover, the environmental benefits of reduced fossil fuel energy <br />consumption are addressed more completely in the Sustainability Action Plan. Social benefits for the <br />community are addressed as well, with some of the actions identified addressing such topics as school <br />education and affordable housing, along with enabling the community to take pride in the good work being <br />done. <br />