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Open Space Advisory Board <br />Minutes <br />February 8th 2016 <br />Page 2 of 6 <br />J. Staff may hire a new maintenance staff member on February 20. <br />K. Ranger Kelsey's last day is this week. The position has already been <br />announced on the City website, and the position will close on February 19th. There have <br />already been fifty applicants for the position. Jeff commented that it is really important to <br />have the ranger position filled as quickly as possible. He asked Ember if there was any <br />way to fill that role with staff during the interim. Ember replied that Open Space is <br />already short-staffed (maintenance position is vacant as well as Ranger) so it was not <br />likely that staff would be able to fill in and staff is not sworn in by the Police Department <br />so cannot issue summons. Graeme asked whether there was any constructive feedback <br />or lessons -learned from Kelsey tenure at the ranger position. Ember commented that <br />Kelsey expressed a desire for a career change rather than any specific dissatisfaction <br />with the position. Jeff commented that the west parking lot at Davidson Mesa is getting <br />crowded and he's seeing illegal parking. He asked for a police enforcement presence. <br />VI. Board Updates - <br />A. Helen reported that Mike attended a recent PPLAB meeting and shared some <br />observations with her to report to the rest of OSAB. Mike reported that PPLAB member <br />Mike Frontczak is moving from Louisville and will no longer be serving on that board or <br />on the Dog Issues Tiger Team with Mike. PPLAB plans on filling the Dog Issues Tiger <br />Team position soon. Mike observed that PPLAB was under the impression that it was <br />the agenda of OSAB to close the Davidson Mesa Dog Off -Leash Area. Mike told PPLAB <br />members that while he personally would support that idea, it was not the position of <br />OSAB, and he recognized that compromise needs to be reached. Mike continued to <br />advocate for the importance of the Dog Issue Tiger Team. He also reported that PPLAB <br />had asked for a chance to make comments on the Planning Wayfinding plan. They were <br />generally in favor of it, but expressed concern that it align to the Open Space Wayfinding <br />plan. <br />B. Missy mentioned that she is part of a Next Door neighborhood social media <br />group. She reports that there is a lot of chatter on the boards about coyotes and she <br />noticed particularly positive comments and praise for Catherine's work on <br />communicating with the citizen on the coyote issue which lead to an update on Next <br />Door. Fiona added that she is also on a similar neighborhood board, and she asked <br />whether she is allowed to tell the online members that she is a member of OSAB and to <br />provide a reference for them to ask Open Space -related questions. The board and Jeff <br />communicated that it was helpful to act as an ambassador and to share information <br />where possible, but some care was needed about keeping personal opinions distinct <br />from that of the board or the City. <br />VII. Public Comments on Items Not on the Agenda - <br />A. Jim Post (855 W. Dillon Rd.) came by to thank the board for what they do. <br />VIII. Discussion Item: Medtronic Development Review- Presented by: AIIan Gill, <br />Parks & Recreation Project Manager <br />AIIan introduced the Coal Creek Corporate Center project, which is informally <br />called the Medtronic campus. He shared maps of the plans, which include formalizing <br />two trail connections to the Coal Creek Trail: a 150 -ft. long connection trail on the east <br />side of the property, and a 40 ft. trail with trailhead on the west side. Allan felt the <br />property owners went above and beyond the requirement for the City with these <br />proposals. Helen asked whether this is a recent proposal and if the process has been <br />3 <br />