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Open Space Advisory Board Agenda and Packet 2017 03 08
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Open Space Advisory Board Agenda and Packet 2017 03 08
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OSABPKT 2017 03 08
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Open Space Advisory Board <br />Minutes <br />February 8th 2016 <br />Page 4 of 6 <br />she would be willing to budge on them. Jim was concerned about on-going <br />maintenance cost for the different pedestal options. Graeme liked the Cantilevered <br />pedestal, saying they were simple and classy. Missy asked if the board was "negotiating <br />against itself." Helen cautioned that council allocated funds towards Open Space <br />wayfinding in this year's budget and left it to staff to determine how to prioritize that <br />spending, and it needed to be done carefully. <br />Laura summarized that the board wants to be consistent with Planning and <br />prefers with the cut-out design concept, but was willing to compromise on this issue. <br />Helen said we could take this to the Wayfinding tiger team for more discussion. The <br />board asked Catherine for information about lifecycle considerations, ADA <br />considerations, and for Planning's specific design concept (to look at coherence). <br />X. Discussion Item: OSAB Acquisition Reporting <br />a. Confirm Acquisition Rubric Results- Helen wanted a formal approval of the <br />ranking spreadsheet generated by last year's OSAB site visits. Helen moved to approve <br />the ranking, Graeme seconded, and the motion passed unanimously. Jim commented <br />that he was impressed by the work that went into this ranking. Fiona asked Jeff for <br />clarification about how City Council wanted to use the ranking. Jeff and Graeme gave <br />some background. The board, Jeff, and Ember then discussed the Philips property <br />(variously known as the Storage Tek land, and the Conoco land). The board felt like all <br />options for this parcel should continue to be evaluated, including middle compromises. <br />Jeff cautioned that the City is counting on this land eventually contributing to the tax <br />base. Jeff added that Broomfield seems uninterested in city buffers, given how they <br />have built right up to the Louisville border recently. The board expressed the hope that <br />their advocacy for this land could help guide its future use. Jim asked whether the City <br />leasing public access on it is a possibility. Missy suggested the property owners could <br />be asked. <br />b. Discuss and Vote on Top Open Space Priorities- Helen and Ember met <br />and created the explanatory/contextual document for the top-ranked properties included <br />in the packet. Graeme and Laura expressed their admiration for the document they had <br />prepared. <br />c. Review and Finalize "Draft 2017 Open Space Advisory Board Highest <br />Priority Property Acquisition Recommendations"- Missy commented that the first six <br />properties were all recommended for fee simple acquisition. She suggested moving that <br />statement to the end of each section. Helen asked whether the board would be willing to <br />share this draft with City Council at the March Study session. The board was in favor <br />this idea. Jeff suggested that each property also have the City's current zoning included. <br />The board agreed with this idea. <br />XI. Discussion Item: Finalize Louisville's Annual Open Space and Trails <br />Request to Boulder County Parks & Open Space <br />Ember provided some background for new members. This is an annual process. <br />Boulder County canvasses its cities for joint funding requests for both land and trails. <br />OSAB recommended the same three properties for acquisition with the County: <br />Mayhoffer (Parcel D), Bennett/Newbold (Parcel N.2, N3), and Schreiter (Parcel MM). <br />Missy moved that we submit the Candidate Open Space Properties as written. Laura <br />seconded. The motion passed unanimously. <br />Ember then put up the trails proposals and discussed their history. Helen asked <br />what would trigger Public Works to do the crossings on the 104th St. trail requested by <br />the County as a prerequisite to funding this trail (#3 on the map). Ember said that Public <br />5 <br />
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