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Board of Adjustment <br />Meeting Minutes <br />February 15, 2017 <br />Page 3 of 10 <br />From 6,362 square feet to 23,096 square feet with 9,179 square feet average. <br />Staff recommends that the detached garage be setback a minimum of 7 feet from the north <br />property line and buffer provided on the north side of the garage with a minimum of two, 2 inch <br />caliper deciduous trees or two, 6 -foot tall evergreen trees. <br />Ritchie also noted that Public Works was concerned with the location of the proposed driveway <br />within 30 feet of the South Boulder Road intersection and has worked with the applicant to <br />narrow the driveway and place it as far away from the intersection as possible. <br />Stuart asks if it is just a backyard on the south side of the house. <br />Ritchie confirms that it is the backyard of the property. There is some slope there, just roughly <br />four feet of fall. The applicant could not bring it too far down because then there would be <br />grading issues. The applicant's goal though is to just maximize their yard. <br />Meseck asks that if there is a car on the north part of the garage, can a car that is on the south <br />side reasonably get out. <br />Ritchie says she cannot confirm yes or no to this question. Staff did not measure the turning <br />radiuses, but she mentions that this is a concern the applicant shared to Staff. <br />Meseck asks what the criteria was for proposing the alternative. <br />Ritchie says that what the applicant is proposing is not the minimum request possible. Staff <br />believes there is room to pull it further away. <br />Stuart says, when looking at the 30 foot line going along South Boulder Road, there are other <br />houses with sheds at two and three feet. He mentions that the city is not pristine at keeping a 7 <br />foot border. <br />Ritchie says that looking at South Boulder Road, there is no line that people have been <br />adhering to. <br />Campbell questions the lot size and asks Staff to read the lot, width, and length size. <br />Ritchie states that the lot size is 7,675 sq. ft., width is 70 sq. ft., and the length is 110 sq. ft. <br />Campbell asks if Staff compared this lot with other adjourning lots and lots across the street. <br />Ritchie explains that she looked at the plat. She states that the lot size variation starts to come <br />into play around the lots on the curve. The lots along the curve are roughly the same size. <br />Campbell went to the Boulder County Accessor website prior to review lot sizes. He confirms <br />the square footage information on the lot staff presented is accurate. He states that there are <br />three other lots in the area that are smaller than the applicant's. Campbell asks if staff was <br />aware of that information. <br />Ritchie agrees that there are some homes that are smaller. She explains that the smallest lot <br />size in the subdivision is 6,362. She is unfamiliar with which particular lots are smaller than the <br />applicant's. <br />