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DRAFT — 2017.01.20 <br />Policy Concerning Louisville Non -Profit Corporations and the City of Louisville <br />BACKGROUND <br />Introduction <br />The City of Louisville has a long and positive relationship with non-profit organizations of many kinds <br />(NPO). The NPOs provide residents with many benefits. Those benefits include funds raised for City <br />amenities and capital projects, grants given to citizens in need of financial support, critical input on <br />important decisions, and assistance provided to City staff members to conduct activities and events that <br />serve the common good. The City would not be what it is today without the strong support of <br />volunteers who have worked tirelessly for Louisville residents. Historically, some of these NPOs have <br />worked closely with boards and commissions that the Louisville City Council have established or with the <br />City more generally, including the following (with the name of the City board or commission, if any, with <br />which it has affiliated in parentheses following it): <br />Louisville Cultural Council (Louisville Cultural Council); <br />Seniors of Louisville (none); <br />Louisville Library Foundation (Louisville Library Board of Trustees); <br />Louisville History Foundation (Louisville Historical Commission); <br />Friends of the Arboretum (Louisville Parks & Public Landscaping Advisory Board). <br />For reference, these five NPOs will be referred to as the Louisville NPOs, with the qualification that each <br />of the five operates differently and has its own unique relationship with the City. <br />Purpose <br />Over time, questions have arisen about the relationships between and among Louisville NPOs, boards <br />and commissions, the City, and City employees. The purpose of this Policy Concerning Louisville Non- <br />profit Associations and the City of Louisville (Policy) is to address these concerns. Specifically, the Policy <br />seeks to address the following issues: <br />The independence of the NPOs from the City's control. <br />The potential legal liability of the City and the NPOs for their respective actions. <br />Staff assistance and other resources provided by the City. <br />Compliance by the City and its boards and commissions with applicable laws, including but not <br />limited to City ordinances and state laws concerning public meetings and public records. <br />The City's consistent treatment of NPOs. <br />The intention of the Legal Review Committee is to provide clear guidance concerning the relationships <br />between NPOs and the City, including its boards and commissions. <br />Process <br />Throughout the policymaking process, the City seeks to maintain transparency in the process by which <br />the Policy is reviewed, revised, and adopted. This Policy originated with the Legal Review Committee of <br />the City Council. It has not been adopted by the City Council and has not been finalized yet. The Legal <br />Review Committee seeks review and input by staff, members of the City Council, members of the City's <br />boards and commissions, those involved with NPOs, and other residents of our community. After <br />seeking input, the Legal Review Committee will convene again to revise the draft before recommending <br />a version to be adopted by the City Council through the public hearing process. <br />