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Open Space Advisory Board <br />Minutes <br />March 8th 2016 <br />Page 2 of 5 <br />H. Ember presented Allan's new draft of a proposed new rule sign for the <br />Davidson Mesa Dog Off -leash Area (DOLA). OSAB made some comments and pointed <br />out typos. Fiona suggested that the DOLA's hours could be put at the top, rather than <br />as a bullet. Laura asked whether the vaccination requirements listed in the sign involves <br />being able to show vaccination tags. She added that the point about picking up dog <br />excrement should be the top bullet point and possibly in bold font, since it seems to be <br />the biggest compliance issue. Joe asked whether OSAB agreed with setting the hours <br />for the DOLA as 6-8pm. The board seemed to think that this was fair and probably <br />easier to enforce than the current Open Space rule of one hour before and after sunset. <br />The board was concerned whether people would actually collect excrement in the dark <br />when the sun goes down early in winter. Fiona suggested winter/summer hours, though <br />she acknowledged the complexity in enforcing this. Missy thought there were too many <br />bullet points, probably way more than most people would read, so she suggested listing <br />the most important points first. Fiona and Jim agreed that there were an awful lot of <br />bullet points. Alex Bradley (1385 Caledonia Circle) suggested two signs: one at the <br />entrance, one in the middle, where people stand around as their dogs play. She added <br />that there was a post on the oh -oh -2-7 Facebook page about a toddler without <br />supervision at the DOLA. Jim asked if there was going to be a sign at the west end <br />entrance of the DOLA. He added that no one looks at the signs when they are walking <br />in though, and Ms. Bradley's idea of an "internal sign" might be worth considering. Jim <br />suggested a "rotational -grazing" model where sections of the DOLA are closed <br />periodically to allow the land to recover. Ember replied that staff had proposed that very <br />option in 2007 and it was rejected at the time, but it could be revisited. <br />I. Jeff announced that there is a significant budget issue emerging. The City has <br />been overcharging impact fees to the tune of $773,000. $360,000 of this money went <br />into the Open Space & Parks Fund. This money will have to be refunded and this may <br />result in some shortfalls and the postponements of some Open Space and Parks <br />projects. <br />J. Joe reported on the hillside slump at Coyote Run Open Space. Joe, Malcolm, <br />and Ember met recently with nearby homeowners and heard their concerns. Open <br />Space staff has been monitoring and photo documenting the site. Shortly after the <br />slump, the City paid a geotechnical engineer to evaluate the site. The City is <br />considering hiring someone to come back and reevaluate the slope with additional soil <br />analysis. The initial report cost $2500, but this secondary analysis may be more involved <br />and there may be yet more cost if the City decides to remediate the site. Joe promised <br />the homeowners that they would do due diligence on this issue. <br />VI. Board Updates - <br />A. none <br />VII. Public Comments on Items Not on the Agenda - <br />A. Alex Bradley (1385 Caledonia Circle) asked about the hill on the west side of <br />Lake Park that has been used for sledding for at least 23 years. She <br />reported that it hasn't been mowed lately at the end of the season, which has <br />wrecked it for sledding, and she would like to see the slope mowed at the end <br />of the season. She didn't feel like this would have much of an impact on <br />wildlife. Helen pointed out that this land is designated as Open Space, not as <br />Park, so mowing is done for land maintenance purposes such as trail <br />maintenance or weed management, not recreation purposes. Joe said that <br />4 <br />