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G The protection of the health, safety, and general welfare of the citizens of the City <br />requires that these Capital Facilities be expanded to accommodate and serve this <br />continuing growth within the City from new development; <br />H. The tax and other revenues generated from new development does not generate <br />sufficient funds to provide the necessary Transportation Capital Facilities, Library Capital <br />Facilities, and Parks and Trails Capital Facilities to accommodate and serve new <br />development, <br />I The adoption of an equitable Impact Fee system consistent with the requirements <br />of applicable law is one of the preferred methods of the City for regulating land <br />development to ensure new development pays a proportionate and fair share of the costs <br />of the needed Capital Facilities, allowing the City to make the necessary Capital Facilities <br />expenditures to serve new development, <br />J Based on reasonable methodologies and analyses for determining the impacts of <br />new development on the City's Transportation Capital Facilities, Library Capital <br />Facilities, and Parks and Trails Capital Facilities, the Impact Fee Study quantifies the <br />reasonable impacts of new development on these Capital Facilities, and establishes an <br />Impact Fee no greater than is necessary to defray the projected impacts on these Capital <br />Facilities directly related to proposed new development; <br />K The City hereby establishes as City standards the assumptions and Level of <br />Service (LOS) standards referenced in the Impact Fee Study as part of its current plans for <br />future expansions to the City's Transportation Capital Facilities, Library Capital <br />Facilities, and Parks and Trails Capital Facilities, and the Impact Fee system codified in <br />Chapter 3 18 of the Code; <br />L The Impact Fees imposed on new development pursuant to this Ordinance and <br />Chapter 3 18 of the Code are based on the Impact Fee Study and assumptions and LOS <br />standards referenced in the Impact Fee Study. The Impact Fees are no greater than <br />necessary to defray the projected impacts directly related to proposed new development; <br />M. This Ordinance and Chapter 3.18 of the Code create a system under which Impact <br />Fees shall not be used to remedy any existing deficiency in Capital Facilities, <br />N. This Ordinance and Chapter 3 18 of the Code create a system under which Impact <br />Fees paid by new development will be used to finance or defray all or a portion of the <br />costs incurred by the City to construct City Transportation Capital Facilities, Library <br />Capital Facilities, and Parks and Trails Capital Facilities to serve new development in <br />ways that benefit the development that paid each Fee within a reasonable period of time <br />after the Fee is paid; and <br />Ordinance No 1737, Series 2017 <br />Page 2 of 10 <br />