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Louisville City Council Meeting <br />July 15, 2003 <br />Page 6 of 11 <br /> <br />Brown asked about County designation markings on the map for Avista Hospital. <br />Simmons voiced his belief the markings were the remnants of the Scriffany property. <br /> <br />Keany voiced his understanding of the purpose of the Super IGA, but questioned how <br />Louisville would benefit. Hullingshorst stated the Super IGA would be of value to <br />Louisville by codifying the ten development maps for the next twenty years. She stated <br />the Super IGA is symbolic, and all the communities would agree to abide by it. <br /> <br />Keany noted the western portion of Boulder County is unincorporated land. He asked if <br />Louisville would have veto power over any development in the County. Hullingshorst <br />stated they would not have veto power over any other municipal influence area, however, <br />if a municipality annexed property on unincorporated Boulder County land, other <br />communities could respond to the proposed annexation and development. <br /> <br />Keany stated the IGAs that Louisville is party to now, and the land annexed to Louisville <br />defines Louisville's boundaries. He stressed the City's IGA are legal and stand on their <br />own. He voiced his disagreement with the Super IGA, noting Louisville should not be a <br />party to decision making in other communities within the County. <br /> <br />Sisk voiced his appreciation of Council member Keany's point of voice. He noted the <br />IGA sets forth a document that establishes property rights of the municipalities. Sisk <br />voiced his support of the Super IGA and noted the provision that the participating <br />municipalities may choose to opt out of the agreement in ten years. <br /> <br />Hullinghorst referenced the map and explained the white areas shown represent <br />unincorporated land in Boulder County and are not defined as municipal influence. <br /> <br />Davidson voiced his support of the IGA and stated it is an innovative method that allows <br />growth in Boulder County, but prevent it from becoming over built. He congratulated the <br />Boulder County Commissioners for taking the lead. <br /> <br />Levihn asked City Attorney Light if the City is protected by the agreement. Light <br />responded yes, and noted the agreement is intended to provide that the County will step <br />forward and defend if a party sues on the basis of the designation made upon their land. <br /> <br />Davidson called for public comment and hearing none, closed the public hearing. <br /> <br />MOTION: Sisk moved that Council approve Resolution No. 20, Series 2003, and <br />authorize the Mayor to sign and any amendment to the IGA Agreement, seconded by <br />Levihn. Roll call vote was taken. The motion passed by a vote of 6-1. Keany voted no. <br /> <br />AUTHORIZATION TO EXECUTE A REVISED PUBLIC UTILITIES <br />COMMISSION (PUC) APPLICATION FOR THE HIGHWAY 96TM STREET <br />CROSSING WITH BNSF RAILROAD <br /> <br /> <br />