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City Council <br />Study Session Summary <br />May 23, 2017 <br />Page 2 of 3 <br />Council member Keany said the meetings would be open to the public so tennis <br />people, swim groups, etc can all attend. He feels all applicants should apply. He <br />does not feel we need specific members from specific interest groups. He <br />believes the City should reinitiate the IGA with BVSD regarding lighted courts. <br />Lights were installed by the City for the benefit of the public. Council member <br />Keany supports a Recreation Board which would include golf. He does not think <br />PPLAB should be rolled in. <br />Council member Ashley Stolzmann is struggling with this. What are we trying to <br />accomplish? She is ok with having a board but we should know what we want <br />from the board. Stevens agrees with this point. <br />Stevens said perhaps we should have a task force which could help address <br />questions arising from new facility. Maybe have the task force prior to the <br />committee. OSAB has an exact mission and do it well. <br />Council member Keany said the Golf Course Advisory Board ran its course. <br />Maybe we don't need an advisory board. If the Recreation Board is asked to look <br />at financials, they could make a recommendation to Council regarding fees. <br />Mayor Muckle asked whether we need someone to advocate for Parks and <br />Recreation? <br />Mayor Muckle said we need to have this discussion at a regular meeting in order <br />to give direction <br />Council member Stolzmann wants the board to be structured well and have clear <br />direction. le: what are the proposed set of duties? <br />Mayor Muckle would like Stevens to suggest what would be helpful for the <br />proposed board to accomplish and to reach out to Council members not in <br />attendance tonight. <br />Discussion — Subdivision Zoning Variances <br />Director Zuccaro reviewed the presentation included in the packet. Issue is does <br />Council want to change procedure for zoning variances to include Planning <br />Commission and Council reviewing the variance requests when related to a <br />subdivision proposal instead of the Board of Adjustment? <br />Is having applicants go through the Planning Commission and City Council <br />review a good process as compared to having to go to the Board of Adjustment <br />as a separate review? Does that reveal good result? <br />