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io/5/84 Page -3- <br />days - Memorial Day and Independence Day. <br />The American people are indeed ready for <br />lthe opportunity to join together in honor- <br />ing the flag and country.. This annual <br />~?lag Day program presents a natural stage <br />on which Americans can gather - a united <br />people and the United States. Ms. Cabbage <br />invited all citizens to attend the ceremony <br />at City Hall in Louisville on Thursday, <br />Tune 14th at 5:00 P.M. If anyone cannot <br />attend she urged everyone to participate <br />~_n the "Pause for the Pledge" by saying <br />t:he pledge of allegiance wherever-.they <br />may be at 5:00 P.M. She also encouraged <br />all citizens to fly their flags during <br />Ddational Flag Week. Mayor Meier has <br />written a letter to President Reagan re- <br />questing him to lead all Americans in the <br />Pledge of Allegiance on June 14th. <br />Mayor Meier thanked Mrs. Cabbage for her <br />willingness to be the coordinator for <br />this program. <br />DOWNTOWN STEERING COMMITTEE C'ouncilmembers had a copy of a memorandum <br />FUNDING REUQEST from Cathy Kasza, Planner incorporating <br /> t:he funding request by the Steering Committee <br /> ass relates to the budget for 1985. Russ <br /> Caldwell, Vice President of Kirchner Moore <br /> and Compnay had provided councilmembers <br /> tirith a copy of a booklet pertinent to <br /> fond financing of the Downtown Development. <br />Bruce Rogers, Member of the N[r. Rogers stated that the Task Force <br />Steering Committee of the was in charge of coordinating and directing <br />Downtown Development Task t:he proposed Downtown Improvements. The <br />Force 'T'ask Force had conducted three public meetings <br /> or workshops to inform the downtown merchants <br /> a.nd property owners as to what the recom- <br /> mendations are for the public improvements; <br /> a.nd to obtain information from them as to <br /> what kind of improvements they would like <br /> t.o see downtown. The feedback and interest <br /> received from the property owners and busi- <br /> ness people has been very gratifying. The <br /> 'T'ask Force feels that it is very important <br /> that they participate in the decision making <br /> process because they will ultimately be <br /> asked to participate in the financing of <br /> the proposed improvements. They had addressed <br /> several issues pertaining to public improve- <br /> m~.ents - city type improvements, i.e. drain- <br />