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4/19,/84 Page -4- <br />,.ouncilman Luce Councilman Luce suggested that a clause <br />Compelling Interest Clause be included in the annexation policy that <br />the burden is on the annexor to prove what <br />the compelling City interest in the annex- <br />ation would be, then Council will consider <br />it. <br />Time Frame Councilman Cussen suggested that the Resolu- <br />tion on the growth policy be for the term <br />of the Councilmembers. <br />Councilwoman Morris suggested that the Resolu- <br />tion be reviewed within a year and perhaps <br />a formal policy in the form of an Ordinance <br />be developed after an evaluation. She also <br />suggested that recreational facilities be <br />excluded in the annexation policy, i.e. <br />a tennis club, or movie theater - stick <br />strictly to residential growth. <br />City Attorney To Draw Up Mayor Meier directed the City Attorney to <br />Resolution draw up a resolution on the annexation policy <br />to include the merit clause and a time frame <br />of April 4, 1985. <br />.1TY ADMINISTRATOR'S REPORT Administrator Wurl reported that he did <br />W-470 REPORT attend the County Commissioners meeting <br />and re-emphasized the earlier points that <br />we made in terms of Council's position on <br />W-470. The commissioners considered the <br />mai~ter and decided that it should be pre- <br />sented to the Consortium of Cities, which <br />is meeting in Longmont the first Wednesday <br />in May - May 2nd, and we will distribute <br />copies of the notice. <br />Councilwoman Morris Stated that all councilmembers had received <br />Questions to be Discussed a copy of a letter from Commissioner Heath <br />with very specific questions regarding our <br />position so that Councilman Leary or she <br />can give some idea on where we stand more <br />so than our motion. Some of the questions <br />to be addressed are - Whether or not we <br />wish to participate? If so, where and how? <br />What should the structure be of such a com- <br />mittee? Who should make the appointments <br />of the representatives? What corridors are <br />proposed? Who is going to fund it? Who <br />ha.s the authority to authorize it? What <br />i~, the role of the State Highway Commission? <br />What should the role be of DRCOG? What is <br />the jurisdiction of the Counties and Muni- <br />cipalities? What time frame we are looking at? <br />